17.Drawing Collins

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"You feel like Brooklyn in summer"

Vera's POV

"Whoa" he says with shock and excitement

After fifteen minutes and more of telling him the story, I think he's never going to forger how awesome I am.

Don't judge.
I know I am.

"Yeah I know" I say

"Just Whoa!" he stands up now standing over me


"Was it that good? I mean in my head, I was the bait"

"But you went through all that for her? You faced a real bad guy you know?" he says

"It felt like the shortest fifteen minutes of my life" I say calmly now getting up.

In front of him, I'm calm and cool headed but inside me I'm bursting with excitement and enthusiasm.

He listened to every inch of my weird tale.

"Vera I think you're going home oh!" Collins yells from behind with shy Florence following behind.

I wonder where they went.

"oh Florence are you ready?" I ask

She looks at me with more excitement than ever.
What did these two do??

"Yeah.. Let's get going. But lemme take my English textbook from Adesua before we go, I'm coming" she says and disappears.

Collins is now alone with Tobi and I in this empty court.
I didn't even notice.

"Vera! Tell me about Florence" Collins commands out of nowhere.

Who's this one?

"What?? I'm lost" I say

"Really?? You're still on this" Tobi asks laughing at him

What are they talking about?

"Guy shut up! Vera jare, tell me about her" he commands again.

"In what sense" I ask with my hands

"Like has she ever mentioned anything to you, like about me.. Liking me???" he asks innocently

Of course.
Do you know that you're her dream husband?
She loves you.
You're her one and only Collins!
Yes yes and yes!
She does like you!

"Well I'm not sure" I say trying not to laugh

"plsss! Think for me " he says eagerly

Looks like someone likes Flo.

"Leave her, she can't remember" Tobi says defending me

Awww thanks...

"There was one time-

" Yes yes what happened??? " he asks cutting me off

I roll my eyes at him and continue

" Well there was one time she mistakenly too your Government note home and she told me how she helped to do your assignment since it was part of your grade and it basically wasn't your fault" I say finally

We'll it's actually true.

She kissed every page of his note.
It was sad to watch.

"And??" he asks

"And that's all" I say

Collins looking disappointed shrugs his shoulders

"okay then." he says sadly

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