8.Restroom and Pigs

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"it's the invisible things that I love the most"

Vera's POV

"So what happened yesterday? Did they reply your message?" Florence asks repeatedly. I don't want to answer her. She might just leave me just like the others. Nothing lasts forever.
She constantly taps my shoulder. I shrug her off and letting out an irritated groan.
" Vera what's wrong? " she asks
I stare at her with bloodshot eyes and don't respond. If I say a word, I'll just pour out my feelings to her and she'll turn on me.
I'm not going to be fooled again. Never.
I stand up from my seat and walk out of the class. I go to the restroom and made a loud bang shutting the door.
I look at my drained face on the mirror.
Then it happened. I started to cry.
Why am I so weak? Can't I just not cry for a second?
I wipe my face with my uniform.
Unfortunately, an incompetent human being enters.


"What are you doing here?" She asks

What do you expect me to be doing here??

I don't respond.. I keep looking down at the sink.
She comes closer. "Are you deaf? What are you doing here?!" her voice starting to get loud annoys the heck out of me.
I stay mute.
"you're very dumb! Can't you hear me?! What are you-

" Can you just shut the fuck up?! Like for christsake! You can't just shut up! Why the hell do you like taunting me?? I honestly did nothing to you and yet you try to ruin me? Your life is just fucked up! You're so fucking miserable!" I yell at her coming close.
She looks at me in fear but tries to hide by chesting out.
Such a bitch. She comes closer to my face. Now I could feel her breath on my face.

" What are-
She's about to ask again. I slap her before she continues.

"Go to hell Ayo! This place is for both of us. You can't ask me what I'm doing here. I'm here because I want to be here. So if you can't stand being in the same place with me, go fuck yourself or something. And don't you ever, and I mean ever call me dumb or stupid. Just try to look at yourelf before you open your filthy mouth." I say

Feeling relived," Black idiot. " I mumble.

Now Ayo's on the floor. Weeping.
I look at the mirror again. But this time, it wasn't only myself I was looking at.. I saw a lot of other people looking right at me. Even some boys managed to enter the restroom
Florence stares at me looking sorry for me.
She better be.
I look down walking pass the building crowd.

Someone taps me from behind. I look back but couldn't see the the face clearly but all I keep hearing is.

"I never liked Ayo anyways!"
The crowd keeps chanting and booing Ayo.
I ignore the voices around me and walk quickly out of that tight air space.

"Wait wait! Vera wait!" a voice from behind calls out
Thinking it was Florence, I walk quickly but I noticed the voice was deeper than hers.

I turn back reluctantly. It was Tobi.
What does this one want now?

"What do you want?" I say rolling my eyes inwardly
"Sorry" he says almost in a whisper
Why do people keep saying sorry to me?
I don't need it!

"For what?" I ask
"Like for everything Ayo did to you" he says coming closer.
I take a few steps back
"You think it's only Ayo that made me like this?! This whole stupid school ruined me! And everyone in this fucked up world! Don't act like Ayo's the only that did this to me" I say throwing my hands on the air
I'm too dramatic.

"I'm sorry... Didn't know you'll feel that way" he says
"Well sorry for yourself! I don't need anyone's apologies" I say and walk away.
Leaving confused Tobi all by himself
I'm not as gullible as before.

I'm the only that's alone.
No one but me.


"Will you wait in the car? You seem like you've had a bad day.." Mrs Jones insists.
We're in front of her cooking class.
Where it all started.
"I'll go to where I went to before" I say coldly

She nods and walks into the store

I stroll there sluggishly feeling like my feet were stuck on mud.
"Vera!" That voice.
Florence. Can't she just leave me alone?

"What" I say and turn back
"Look, I know you don't want me to be here right now.. But I want you to understand that I'm not like the others. I'm not Ayo. She's a fool for pushing your buttons. She shouldn't have done that to you. No one should do that to anyone. You have every right to not trust me. But I promise you, I'll be there for you.. I understand you" she says
For the first time, She isn't smiling
She's being for real
Or maybe she's like the others.

I nod at her and keep walking.
She follows and catches up beside me. I look at her and she smiles.

I hate it when she does that.
I smile back forcefully.

We both enter the store. I don't know what i do here anyways.. I never buy anything. I don't even have money.

Then I see them. Davina and Sallie. At the same exact spot I met them the last time.
This universe just hates me.

They both stare at me giving me a cold look.

"Let's leave Flo" I say almost in a whisper.

"Are those the girls?" she asks
I nod. I manage to turn without feeling scared.

"Castrated Monkey!" Davina yells
Laughing with Sally

"What kind of friends are they?" Florence asks disappointedly.
"Bad ones" I say

Feeling annoyed I turn back. Walking straight to them.
I might regret this.
"I'm not one." I say
Davina eyes me.
"Says who?!" she says laughing again.
Sallie just stares at me.
I hate these two.

"Stop that! You can't just play with her feelings. She's a human being too. How will you feel if I call you a pig? You'd like that right? Don't call people what you can't call yourself. You have no confidence in your oversized appearance, that's why you're calling a beautiful person a monkey. Such a pig!
Florence finally says.

Wow. No one ever stood up for me like that.
I look at Davina's expression. She's baffled at angry at the same time.

"And who do you think you are??" she asks after seconds

"A good friend, someone who doesn't stab a friend in the back, and definitely not a pig!" Florence says confidently.

"Let's leave" Sallie says to Davina from behind.
She gives me a nasty look

It can't hurt me anymore.

I look at Florence and smile.

"Thank you" I finally say.

I'm still not going to trust her.
But this is a new start.
I hope.

This is like the longest chapter I've written😄
At least this on ended on a somewhat good note.. ❤

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