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Before she lived with Bianca and her sisters, Serenity had a harsh life in her past. Her father comes home drunk everyday and would always beat up her mother for no reason. Usually whenever her father is home, Serenity would hide under her bed to not get beaten up by her father.

One day when her mother, Jess, wanted a divorce so she can keep Serenity, her father, Butch, gotten so furious that he gave her tea, which was actually poison, that made Jess to start getting weaker until she is dead. Serenity saw what happen and Butch saw her daughter that he got super furious, grabbed his belt and yelled at her to come here this instance. Serenity managed to escape her abusive father and went to the cops and told them what happen.

The cops investigate and arrested Butch for murder and abuse of his wife. Serenity had to live in foster care and that is when she meets Bianca, who decides to adopt her.

Serenity now has been living with Bianca for a long time and Butch was still in jail. At Christmas, Serenity had gotten a gift from Bianca and sees inside was a yellow wolf with blue fur marks whose is named Cheesecake.

 At Christmas, Serenity had gotten a gift from Bianca and sees inside was a yellow wolf with blue fur marks whose is named Cheesecake

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Serenity became close friends to Cheesecake a lot and will always be there to cheer her up.

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