Lexie Loud

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Lexie is the seocnd oldest sister of Lori and she is a fan of videogames. Lexie can be lazy and tired and also bored, but not fot technology because she is more of an tech person who loves electronics. She does often help around with her siblings a lot because she wants to not cause any trouble and she is roomates with Lori and Leni so she is fine with Leni, but not with Lori.

One thing Lexie like is posting videos about her family and playing video games with Lincoln. Like Leni, she is yet confuses and dumfounded but only because she spend a lot of time playing on the computer she owns. 

She helps Leni with her fashion and dresses because she trusts her a lot and helps Lincoln to be confident.

Rita and Lynn Sr feared for Lexie's eyesight because she spends so much time in the electronics, so they made Lexie be on the electronic for one and half everyday and she must read a book for 2 hours since they take her to the book store to see what Lexie can read. Lexie isn't interested in books and she had to do it since her parents are worried about her so she sometimes takes a nap for about long time until she finishes and can get back to her electronics.

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