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"It's deep in the fourth quarter, first game of the season, and South Crenshaw and Slauson are tied. Third down and 10 on the Crenshaw 40-yard line." The announcer details. The ball was thrown and caught by Spencer who seconds later pushed down to the ground. The referee blows his whistle making the call. "Unbelievable catch by Spencer James!"

"There we go Bubba," I muttered underneath my breath. The crowd went wild knowing they were going to win the first game of the season.

"We're gonna keep playing the same calls," Coach Russ tells Chris, the QB of our team. Looking at the players on the opponent side, I knew that play was not going to work.

"We can't do that," I objected.

"Why not?" Coach Russ looked towards me.

"We've been doing the same thing this whole half. They're catching onto us," I explained, looking at a certain player from Slauson.

"We're tied, that's good enough," He waved me off, telling Chris to go back on the field.

"One bad move and it's over. Especially if you make them play that call," I argued with him.

"Hey who's the Coach?...that's right, me. And who's the assistant coach? Let me guess, oh right you. So let me do my job and if I need help I'll call on you," Russ states, turning back around to the field.

"If I'm going to put this on my college applications, I'm going to make it count," I stood up to him. "And you're not going to have them mistake me for someone who is okay with bypassing. So no Coach! We're not going with the niner, we're going after the safeties," I demanded. Looking out to Spencer, I pointed where I wanted the hit at. From the shook of his head I knew he understood.

Stepping out the huddle, the boys got into position. With the ball on the 45 and out of field-goal range, the Chargers have to score on this drive," The announcer calls out.

"Hey, yo, is Mike! is Mike! Watch that man off the edge! Cover , just dig, dig, cover !," Chris calls out.

"Come on, switch the goddamn play," I whispered, holding the clipboard of the play in my hand. Right before it was time, the play was changed." Yo, kill, kill, kill! Check razor! Check razor! Check razor! Kill it! Check razor!"

"Yes!" I cheered, knowing my plan was about to work.

"What the fuck are they doing/" Coach Russ furrowed his eyebrows.


"I swear to God Mel, if they lose this game, it's your ass," He threatened, facing me with an angry expression.

"Trust me they aint," I answered, not even looking at him.

"Looks like they're changing the play at the line of scrimmage."

"Check! Hike! Hike!." The ball was thrown to Chris as Spencer ran towards the end zone with number 45 on his back.

"You owe me $20 if they don't score," Coach declared.

"You better make sure you have a 20 in that wallet of yours, 'cause mama didn't come to lose." Chris threw the ball.

"Caught by Spencer James!" The announcer declares. Dodging each player Spencer was able to make it down the field. "He's at the10, the 5! Touchdown! Chargers win!"

"Hey Coach," I said, grabbing the man's attention.

"What?" He looked towards me.

"Never doubt me again," I smirked, taking the twenty out his hand and into my pocket. "It would cost you money." The horns were blown and the crowd was cheering. We won.

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