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"Welcome to Crenshaw," Mel spread out her arms, as she and Ryan walked through the party.

"You don't see this at Beverly Hills," Ryan gawked at the sight in front of her. "Hey look it's your friends," she pointed.

"Is that baby boy, Chris!" Mel looked at one of her friends from Crenshaw, and started walking over with Ryan following.

"Look who made it back home," Chris turned around to look at his old friend. "I see Beverly Hills got tired of you," He joked, bringing the girl into a hug.

"Man shut up," She smiled. "This is my girl Ryan," She pointed to the girl next to her, who waved.

"Wassup," He nodded. "So whatcha doing here?" He turned back to Mel.

"Thought I show out," She shrugged. "Hey Olivia," She waved to the girl behind Chris.

"Hey Mel," The back girl softly greeted.

"So why ain't you with Spencer over there?" Chris questioned.

"We ain't always gotta be next to each other," Mel tried to reason.

"But when are y'all not," He turned his head sideways.

"Hey, Beverly changes some people, I guess," Mel shrugged. "But I see you a little busy...so we're gonna get out of your way," She winked at the boy, leaving him with Olivia.

"Who's that fine man?" Ryan pointed over to Shawn.

"First off, don't point it's rude," Mel pushed down her hand. "And that's Shawn...and trust me you don't want none of that."

"Why not...what's his deal?" Ryan asked.

"Trust me, if you barely watched gangster movies, you don't need to be dating one," Mel laughed.

"He's in a gang?" Ryan whispered.

"More like the leader of one..,him and my older brother," Mel tells her, walking over to her childhood best friends. "Where's my niece?" She hit Shawn upside the head.

"Man what did I tell you about hitting me?" He swatted her arm. "And she with my ma...Whose the girl?" He looked at Ryan.

"None of your business," Mel shook her head, shutting that thought in his head down right away.

"Tyrone's looking for you," Shawn tells her.

"Where he at?" Mel turned her head looking for her brother.

"Probably hustling some busta out of their money," Shawn shrugged. "You know how he is."

Mel nodded her head then stepped closer to Shawn to talk to him secretly. "Just don't bring any of that mess here...not today. You know how Ty can be."

"I got you," Shawn nodded his head.

"Crenshaw, Crenshaw, what's up?" Coop walked onto the stage, with the microphone in her hand. "Hey, I want to thank you all for coming out and supporting us. We all family. But how many of you all one of Al's kids?"

"Whoo!" The crowd went wild for the man who treated them all like his children.

"So me, too, only I was his favorite. Ain't that right, Alvin?" Coop asked him.

"More like Mel was," He smiled.

"Say it louder so the back can hear!" Mel screamed out to the stage, walking up to Spencer.

"Where you've been?" Spencer looked at his girlfriend. "Where's Ryan?"

"She's over there talking to Shawn," She pointed. On the other side of the stage Shawn and Ryan were talking. And whatever he was saying was causing her to blush and smile.

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