Bonus page. Quirks & lore. The Sarutos

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An more detailed description about their quirks

Yuri Saruto
Who used to work at Bloodshots hero agency
Originally met dairoku at his heroes agency and agreed to a quirk marriage, as they both ended up falling for eachother.

Quirk = Black warp
Has the ability to teleport to a specific person and or bring them to her.
This power has many limitations, like the transport method is pretty gross. Covering the user in a black clouded liquid

And she can't teleport to a specific spot only too and from people she knows, she can transport multiple people at the same time however she knows it's extremely unpleasant feeling and rarely uses it.

Dairoku saruto
The previous number 34 hero of the pro hero leaderboard, the intel hero Bloodshot
Orginally married yuri for her quirk than later fell in love with her for real.

As a quirk marriage as dairoku had a strange dream that his son was quirkless, he orginally hated Hasito but after seeing yuri protect and care for him he started to fall into a real marriage, a real family.

Little did he know that his son did inherit both Parents quirks, and he is stronger then he could ever hope for

Quirk: blood sight

Allows him to see through the eyes of his target. While also knowing their past, quirk and their current goal and is able to control them if he consumes enough of their blood
Or if they are asleep although they are still aware

Due to relation and blood type if he consumes his own he can see through Hasito's eyes, however Hasito will be unaware of it. As well as see both their past. He doesn't got have regeneration however and he rarely uses it because of the damage he can cause to his hand or where ever he chooses to draw blood from.

Hasito Saruto
Thought to be and bullied for being quirkless no One ever stood up for him except Izuku who now is his best friend and will always have his back.

Quirk: Bloodlust merged with teleport

Bloodlust allows him to see events of a specific person in his own timeline. in large amounts to see intense visions if casually using it however if threated others blood will strenghting his bloodlust aswell. However as his father warned him about the mental setbacks

Although ingesting his own blood has a same but weaker effect he gains regeneration and a short boost of speed and strength he sees nothing if he consumes his own blood exept some improved nightvision but will get regeneration speed and strength boost, at the cost of having a clear head as he will most likely be violent in this form, he is also extremely resilient to electricity in this form.

Has the ability to teleport anywhere he's been before or if he can see it. his mother's quirk takes time to cover the person before transporting them.
His teleport is different and teleports them instantly,
Leaving nothing but a thick red mist behind
He has to be in a bloodlust mode to use it.
It's a extremely versitile quirk that allows for quick movements and can be used tactically but if he overuses it his regeneration, speed and strength are halved and it drains alot of stamina
Although he has been training with all might so his endurance is greatly improved.

If he decides to take someone with him he has to be touching them even if it's a foot clothing doesn't effect it. The red mist effect will cover the whole area of those effected by teleport when they dissapear.

While Hasito's quirk gets stronger he will be able to use weaker versions of bloodlust without ingesting his own blood,
Like being able to toggle his signature glowing red eyes with night vision,
And a improved sense of smell and hearing.

Red Mist
Hasitos bloodlust which converts blood to pure power, his body sometimes emits red mist which disperses from him in rage, however he has the ability to controll this, yet it is difficult to concentrate his internship which he had to do early helped him with nonlethal attacks.

If hasito concentrates the mist flying away from him can merge back into him letting him open an arsenal to many range and stronger attacks

These techniques are far from where he is now.

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