#11 Staff meeting

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Just want to point out, everything happened the same as the anime with other characters except Izuku and tsuyu who still did the water attack but wasn't able to capture them all, just enough to get away.
Thoughts in italic

Also would like to point out Issho Hantei is not my character however he will fit nicely into it so ill use it

Bakugo pov(with kiri)

"Their plan was to split us up and slaughter us. Boy just how wrong they were"

Bakugo said grinning at a villain he was holding up by the neck before holding his hand out to the sidelining up his elbow with the villains face before letting out a massive explosion pushing his elbow into the villains now broken jaw.

"Woah Bakubro calm yourself we're heroes you know," Kiri said in a sympathizing tone

"Tch if they didn't want to be hurt then they shouldn't have attacked us," Baku said releasing a grunt

"Yeah sure... We should go help the others"

"Fuck the extras I'm going after the warp villain"

"But our attack didn't work on him"

"Shut it. We just missed him is all, if we can take him out then the villains will be trapped here!"

"But what about Hasito he is fighting the entire attack off with Aizawa, We can't leave him fighting them all"

Bakugo had his train of thought ruined by Kiri's comment, he knew he was right he couldn't leave his friend to fight alone he knew how reckless and confident he can be in battle

"FINE, forget the warp villain, for now, let's go help him" Bakugo replied somewhat hesitant

Both Bakugo and Kiri took off to the centre to look and save Hasito climbing rubble to get a vantage point

"Why didn't he just leave. Why is he still fighting, he can teleport right?"
Kirishima asked while climbing the rocks slightly behind bakugo

"God knows, bloodboy loves a good fight knowing him he is probably enjoying this"

I reached the top just to see bodies. A guy with a machete charging at Hasito
I feared for the worst but he dodged it and pulled a villain into the blade

"What is it is he okay?!?"

"Um actually he's doing good, Bloodboy really is holding his ground" Bakugo chuckled at the sight of his friend dominating the battlefield

"That's awesome, Maybe he c.," Kirishima replied before reaching the top seeing Death


"Yeah I agree, but look the villains are scared of him, can practically smell it"

Before we could do anything they started piling on top of him and both of us stood in shock as he started getting stabbed, kicked and stomped before he exploded dropping our jaws, as an aura of death wrapped around Hasito

"On second thought lets leave him be" Kiri suggested

"What? You wanted to help them but once you see the situation you back out" Bakugo scoffed at what he just heard.

"Fine let us find the warp villain then "

We climbed down the rock formation and started running towards some buildings before Hasito came flying in demolishing buildings red mist fading he landed on the floor surrounded by a pair of villains who looked confused but then grinned and started walking towards the body to finish him off

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