14# Intense Training

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This is quite a long one it covers the aftermath of last night and Hasitos 'special' training for a week. I'll be doing a lot more dialogue for sports 1A and shinso
the sports festival race and cavalry battle and battles are next, then I'm going back to Mayhem

Hasito POV

I woke up feeling tired a strange feeling considering I went to sleep pretty early

I had a massive yawn and as I did I had massive pain in my ribs, I go to my ensuite still hazy from waking up.

I saw my favourite all might Pj's soiled in my blood, I stared into the mirror mesmerized and confused.

It was around 7 Am, my father should be home. I'll just ask him to use blood sight.

I switched clothes to my UA Gym uniform, my all might bed-wear had 2 bullet holes in them and six tears in the back.

Did I use my quirk when I was asleep?

And that voice is gone. Today is the day I start training with Issho and this occurred today?

There was a lot I'm confused about.
But as I finished getting dressed and walked downstairs seeing both my parents in the kitchen, Yuri was cooking Bacon and eggs, and the smell was godlike.

Dairoku was reading news articles on his phone.

"Hey, dad something strange happened last night can you use your quirk on me?" I asked slightly freaked out

This caught Yuri's attention as she came and comforted me, stopping everything she was doing to come to me

"What's wrong?" She asked as Dairoku put down his phone, giving me his attention

"I woke up with bullet holes and blood-soaked clothes..." I replied honestly which caught my fathers attention as he walked up to me

"Hold out your hand," Dairoku asked holding out a pin to which I did as he pricked my hand

He licked the pin, and instant concern was on his face, making both me and Yuri Concern as well,

"Well?" I asked

Dairoku had his eyes closed for a little bit before opening them again,
(His quirk allows him to see past and future but is hard to control what he sees, in large amounts he can control and see through eyes of another)

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise the USJ was that hard on you. I knew about your wounds but that was something else, As for Bakugo I'm glad you're getting along. But I didn't see any gunshots or anything like that, considering you said it happened last night I should be able to go see it but all I saw was you asleep and waking up. However, I think I will look into this" Dairoku said in a calming voice

"I don't like using my quirk but I'm going to have to start using it a lot more. I was going to keep this a surprise but I'll be working at UA soon."

Everything plaguing my mind was replaced with happiness, my dad a teacher at UA? All I could think is how awesome that is.

"If this ever happens again come straight to me, it's extremely abnormal and I'm trying to piece together everything," Dairoku said slightly concern.

 𝕌ℕ𝕋𝔸𝕄𝔸𝔹𝕃𝔼 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝕃𝕌𝕊𝕋Where stories live. Discover now