#9 Class rep / Strange Brainwasher

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Izuku POV

Shortly after the combat training both Izuku and Hasito were resting in the nurse's offices, they both already were returning customers and Chiyo could easily be seen as agitated by this.

But I couldn't help but think that I could have accidentally killed my friend, one for all, I would've never thought that it was this hard to control. I use to admire Hasitos quirk, until I saw what it really was like, Hasito's quirk has many pages in Izukus book the most important one was his weakness, it only lasts for around 5 mins after activation no matter how much blood he consumes, it only makes the effects stronger not longer, I keep thinking about that fight we had, if he had used his quirk in that fight he would have died, he wouldn't have been able to heal his wounds that I caused,

"Hey Hasito, I'm sorry... One for all activated. I would have never thought I would hurt you that bad."

"Well, too late now, that stunt you pulled really seemed to make Bakugo hate you even more through"

"Yeah... you know when we were younger I always wanted Bakugos quirk, but since the sludge villain happened and you discovered your quirk, I realised that he wasn't the only strong one, and I started to admire your quirk instead, but when you said you hated your quirk that day on the beach I couldn't help but think why" izuku muttered his thoughts into words.

There was a silence that followed the two bandaged boys. Hasito's adrenaline was gone and he felt intense sharp pains around his healed wounds, the wounds were no longer there physically but were mental.

"My quirk requires blood, although my own blood does trigger it, it isn't meant to. The only reason I'm in the hero course is because of it, and to be honest, even then I'm scared to use it. In my form it is easy for me to lose control, emotions are amplified and on top of that, having a blood quirk that allows me to see events by consuming blood is Completely useless" Hasito ranted

"That's not true, the only reason Bakugo survived was because of you, hell I almost froze him to death, your quirk is powerful and you should be proud-"

"Proud... izuku don't make me laugh.. it hurts when i laugh. My quirk is a curse, I don't even know its full potential" Hasito seemed agitated by Izukus statement

"Hasito, without even realising it you -"
Izuku tried saying before class 1A came barging in cutting him off, after finishing the rest of the training

"Are you two ok? The damn CTTV caught it all you guys were insane, one of you didn't even use your quirk!" Denki barged in with excitement

"Yeah we are fine, I didn't expect to get thrown across the street though let alone demolish a building with nothing other than my body" Hasito chuckled

"However I still have a lot to learn, as much as I hate it, I still have a lot to learn about my power, and we still haven't been introduced formally I know Denki and bakugo, but the rest of you haven't really introduced yet"

The rest class 1A introduced their names and quirks which izuku jumped up with notebook in hand ignoring the pain from his left arm, poorly writing but writing them down nonetheless.

Shortly after the long-awaited introductions that they missed due to the incident on day one.
Hasito got out of the bed,

"Hasi what are you doing your still not healed yet, you heard what recovery girl said, " Izuku worried

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