#22 Artificial Threat.

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Shits going to be vague until I start the ending conflict battle of mayhem. Then I'll go 100%. I enjoy the characters but this story isn't planned like my other one's. Its just shit flys. But that doesn't mean I don't have a awesome ending for it.

Mayhem pov
I watched as master gave my tool a quirk.
He ended up choosing 'Bounce-step'
It allows the user to leap any distance as long as it's in his sight, falls doesn't effect him now, it has a bad drawback of numbness in the legs, if overused, even paralysis.
we kept telling him it was useless but he ignored us, I guess any quirk is good to a quirkless.

Considering he trained with stain I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually good with it.

But can't help but notice I can't read the future using other dimensions blood.. Which is unpredictable and scary to me.

AFO offered me a experiment, the ability to use my quirk without blood, which was quite tempting, extremely in fact so I took the opportunity. I ignored his warnings.

I'd thought the master of the underworld would be smarter but I guess I was wrong.

Hasito pov

It's been a couple of months since Izukus encounter with Stain, and his little protégé. He was scolded heavily. Especially since he got away, I thought the whole thing was stupid. Everything seems pointless now, I created a disaster, roaming as we speak and I'm guilt ridden I got probably more than 1000 indirect murders because of it. I feel broken.

The after math consisted of Punishments, But Izuku knows how much of a threat Mayhem is and understood how I felt due to Zulu. Who is currently training his quirk, They suspect it would be useful against mayhem. Honestly, I don't even know anymore, Mayhem having the ability to Bring back a separate Izuku or decay he calls himself, a real evil one.

Izuku told me how decay bragged about killing all Might. Honestly, we don't believe him.

Thinking of this while in class honestly made me sick. I did this. My stupid rage.

"Ay Hasi are you excited for camp?" Denki and kiri came up to me and asked.

"Uh.. It's kinda hard to be excited with all the chaos but yeah I guess" I responded feeling kinda down.

"That's fair, don't worry the heroes will get them one day, I can't believe Izuku and Todoroki fought Stain!" Denki responded before turning to a saddened tone

"But Iida. His legs were mauled. Ripped out his engines. Doctors say he is never going to be able to walk right! I feel so guilty. If only I was there it would of.. Maybe" he added riddled with guilt for not being there.

I guess they don't know about Decay yet.

"It's not your fault. I wish I was there too. It's a shame he got away." I reassured

"Anyway, what do you think of our new combat instructors? They're real mean, manly in teaching though. One's Issho! The other one pricked our fingers and started dodging like crazy!" Kirishima informed of the lesson I missed .

"The other one was my father, he has a foresight quirk" I replied

"Oh what no way! Can you do it? Foresee the future I mean?" Denki asked idiotically

"Uhh, yeah but id rather not. Personal reasons, what if I see you die?" I responded sincerely

They had a moment of silence

"Good point, but id never die, I'm too awesome!" Denki smirked.

"Just remember to not post on social media, I can image-port, which means I can teleport to a place seeing a image of it, so I'm pretty sure Mayhem can too, the last Thing id want is for him to show up!" I informed

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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