17# Mayhem's debut

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A/N Mayhem really thinks this is a 'little'heist, but it might be the end of him he's too cocky. Enjoy

Mayhem Pov(sports festival currently on)

The league has me on a tight leash every day.
As soon as I escape chains just to be caged.

Part of me wants to murder everyone here. But another part needs them.
As much as I hate to admit it.

Shigaraki is currently watching the sports festival and I need him to approve of my plan, otherwise, it won't work. I need kuroguri and also need to make sure they don't betray me and leave me stranded, however, im pretty sure that's not possible.

Since a lot of pro heroes are at the event I thought of crashing it. Killing a few thousand but that would only cause problems.. Why am I overthinking? No one matters I can kill anyone I like. But if I truly want the world. I'll have to play nice. AFO is the only true threat in this group, and even then I could wipe him off the face off the planet if I wanted too.

"MAYHEM, get in here now!" Shigaraki called

I let out a massive exhale as walk over to the manchild

I walk in to see him with his eyes glued to the screen, watching the lame festival. What makes them interested in it?

"Your counterpart that you let go. Look at him. If he becomes a real threat im taking it all out on you" Shigaraki scolded

"Relax he's not even good" I reassured

However, I didn't realise that I could shoot projectiles, which is good to know.. Maybe I should watch it.

But eh Nah no time. I need to build their trust

To do so, I need to arm them.

I was about to leave then Kuroguri warped AFO in,

"Mayhem, I got your first assignment," he said with a grin
My eyes light up. Finally, I can let go.

"Finally, I've been getting bored" I responded

"So what's my task?"

"A certain quirk has gotten my attention, im sure you know all too well, Black Warp, the ability to teleport groups of people which is rare and currently in need of"

"Ok, so who's the mark?" I asked

"Yuri Saruto, Kill or maim up to you, first bring her to me. Alive."AFO answered

" and in return ill let you do your little... What did you call it "time heist" however only if you're sure if he can kill all might, I also got a certain someone who would love to meet you"

"He can I've seen it, however, I can't see past the day he does it for some reason. " I said with a smug grin.

That seemed to catch him off guard, his flesh potato face started smiling? More like attempted

Anyway, I teleported to Hasitos room I only smelt one person. Yuri, great I don't have to worry about Dairoku.

I started walking down the stairs with my new red hair, thoughts of what to do to her rushed in my mind.

Cut her tongue out? Nah too lame

I'll figure something out

"Hasito is that you? My baby, you did so great, we will get you some support items for that attacking move you learned, I can't bear seeing you lose a hand again" Yuri who was watching the festival before I locked eyes with her with a grin

"Hasito? Your hair?" Yuri said slightly confused before looking at the Tv seeing her son, on a live broadcast

I made a mist blade razor sharp and detached it making it solid. I smiled at Yuri with a twisted grin.

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