#13 Big Fucking Problem

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Hasito POV

I got ready for bed brushed my teeth had a shower got in my all might PJ's

That voice wasn't bothering me anymore, maybe my quirks after effect ran out.'

And slowly fell


Entity POV

Damn it took him a while. But im in control now.

I need to find the league, based on his... no, my memories I got a lead, an Information Broker, even got the exact location thanks to ripping that villains throat out. Speaking of which I can do whatever I want now, he's asleep and im in, he made me realise that bloodlust and death isn't a great way to get things I want, I need to act calm, I need to think. Be calculated to find the league...

Shortly after running around the city, I found an abandoned warehouse, the same I saw in the visions

I walked in and teleported to the roof support beams and overheard him talking

The building itself was old looking on the outside but was refurbished inside, red carpet Dark oak desk this guy was the real deal exactly what I need

"Yeah, yeah how many recruits do you need? Two? Only? That's easy but it will cost you, ill find some high-quality quirks for you don't worry oh and Tomura don't worry, I won't charge you for those failures it is a real shame UA had such a fighter"

He hung up this is my time, I want to kill him.. but I know my plan won't work if I do, and he just talked about me...

I teleported in front of him and said
"Such a fighter? Making me blush"

His face was priceless

It was a mix of fear but then overcome by a calm exhale. I need to remember not to kill, as much as I hate it
He was wearing a purple suit a beige Scarth and had a toothpick and glasses, along with grey hair

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE? How did you find me? No matter"
The broker said pulling out a gun and shooting me twice

My body regenerated instantly scaring the shit out of him

"That's not so nice... Im here on business and from what my quirk told me, your perfect" Hasitos body who was now in blood-soaked all might PJ's

"You're a UA student! And how are you not dead" The broker seemed to really be startled by me. I quite enjoyed the smell  he was discharged, It made it really hard not to kill him

"Doesn't matter, Im nowhere near as pathetic as this body, however, I only awoken recently and still learning social Constructs"

The broker seemed to calm down after said that

"Let me get this right, your the split personality of this Ua student?" The broker said dumbfounded

"Yes, precisely" I replied

"I awoke after this boy murdered one of your men judging by that phonecall"

"Get to the point"

"I want to join the league but first"

I started walking up to the man behind the desk and stabbed him with a needle, he lifted his gun to my head and I used my mist to move it away while I tasted his blood. It was good, how can this boy not love it? Because he was a hero? I'll never understand this new world

"What was that?!? Mist? And you pricked me why"

I sat there with my eyes closed for a while looking at certain events and timelines

 𝕌ℕ𝕋𝔸𝕄𝔸𝔹𝕃𝔼 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝕃𝕌𝕊𝕋Where stories live. Discover now