#19 Aftermath.

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(A/n Short chapter, this doesn't have a lot of dialog but it gives you an idea what happened after the heist)

Hasito pov

My dad picked me up after the long festival, praising me for such a show.

Felt awesome. We had an awesome chat.

My happiness will never be quelled,

We got home.

I lied. My happiness got distinguished in a matter of a second and me and my father saw our living room trashed.

"YURI IS GONE!" Darioku started worrying.

"SHIT I WASNT HERE FOR HER!" Dairoku started having a panic attack.

I stood there shocked.

Then someone appeared.

He had crimson hair with an eye patch. It looked fresh. And then both of us realised.

"He's HOLDING Yuri!" Dairoku screamed
I never saw my father lose his cool. He's always calm and collected. He always knew what was going to happen. But this. He never saw I could tell it scared him.

I snapped out of my shock and got into a fighting stance.

"Hello brother, father, good to see ya, names mayhem" the figure said dropping Yuri on the ground Roughly.

I rushed him after activateing my quirk.

And he teleported away..

"NOO!" MY Father screamed.

Yuri had her tongue cut out. Looking brain dead. She had choked on her own blood in my fathers hands.


I will
Kill him..

If it's the last thing I do.


A couple days passed since my mother died.

The doctors said her quirk was stolen.

the villains have black warp..

I never felt the same after that. I'm afraid to use my quirk to it's limits.
Without Yuri how am I meant to calm myself...
I'm full of rage.

I'm sitting In class. The teacher talking about internships. And how I got a lot of request. Same as Izuku.

But I wasn't thinking about that.

Stain had injured Iidas brother.
He doesn't seem the same.

Then nesu and a couple police officers came in asking for me..

"We are taking Hasito into custody for questioning." A swat officer demanded. Nesu seemed to have his hands tied. Back against the wall.

"I won't let you take my student if this is about Mayhem, I'll come with to make sure my student doesn't get harmed." Aizawa sensei Requested.

They accepted.

"Mayhem? What does Hasito have to do with that?" Mina asked slightly confused

I knew exactly what happened. How could I be so naive?

"Hasito?" Bakugo asked calmly. We still friends after that fight. He knows he can best me if he tries, I don't care about that though.

My mother is dead.

And all I want is revenge.

Aizawa went with me in the armored truck, they were going to put quirk disabling cuffs on me, which would of destroyed my body. But Aizawa stopped them. He really cares at least.

 𝕌ℕ𝕋𝔸𝕄𝔸𝔹𝕃𝔼 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝕃𝕌𝕊𝕋Where stories live. Discover now