#15 Sports Festival

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The first part is covering the kid at USJ and just class banter getting ready
Feel free to skip to the festival as it really doesn't matter, shinso and hasito declare war on everyone else, but Hasito knows he could win, he doesn't aim for it.

Aizawa pov(4 days after USJ)

I got a call from work saying the boy Deku captured is awake and out of control, I quickly run as fast as I could and once I got there the whole building was abandoned, most likely by his quirk, once I reached his room he got startled by me and started using his quirk to which I used my quirk on him

"It's ok I'm not going to hurt you" I reassured the frightened white-haired boy in front of me

"I'm going to stop my quirk, don't use yours im here to help you," I said before seeing him nod frighteningly, turning off my quirk,

"What they did to must of been terrible, im sorry no one should have bare those scars you have"

He looked up with his innocent eyes and said

"What.. d-do you m-mean... These are my punishments for my quirk" The boy replied frightened and

Hearing him say that broke me a little

" no, no one should have to deal with that, your quirk is special, and don't let anyone say otherwise"

The boy looked into Aizawas eyes and felt a new emotion he hasn't discovered, he felt safe around him.

As he got this feeling so did Aizawa, which caught him off guard, The only time he felt this was with one of his school friends long ago when he was a student in UA.

This kid just used his quirk on me projection his emotion onto me, it was quite strange a lot of emotions I locked away,

The kid was still startled by little movements so I still needed to earn his trust.

"Do you need anything, and what's your name?" I asked softly not to startle him

He looked at me slightly confused,
Like he was trying to think what to say

As he looked up at me with innocent eyes and said

"Zuluka. But they called me Zulu after I was taken, "

"Do you know your family name?" I replied

He looked at me, confused by the question again

"I don't know. All I remember is the league... Are you going to hurt them? Please don't hurt Kuro, twice was always nice too!" The kid pleaded

"We're not the bad guys, now is there anything you would like before I leave?"

"S-some water, how long do I have to stay here.." he answered slightly shy and anxious

The room was padded in white, to block most of his quirk, but it didn't really stop it.

They had no information on this child.

His origin, how he got to the league,
Only his quirk, which made it really hard to get near him, so pretty much I was the only one able to get near him.

"Soon, it's up to you. But because of my quirk, they would like you to live with me." I said before leaving the room to get him water.

Then left. He's been getting fed by the nurses who sometimes have to wear a bodysuit to avoid his quirk, which really made the feelings worse, on days Zulu was feeling good he would emit his happiness and every staff would feel it. They loved him for it. 

Daily after class, I would come to visit him, help him control his quirk. it was a couple of days to the sports festival and he began to trust me a lot more.

 𝕌ℕ𝕋𝔸𝕄𝔸𝔹𝕃𝔼 𝔹𝕃𝕆𝕆𝔻𝕃𝕌𝕊𝕋Where stories live. Discover now