Chapter 12: Chrissy

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The dress was sunset woven into shiny fabric, garnished with sequins and glitter.

It was a bit too over the top, and didn't look quite right on her, but who was she to complain, when her alternatives were waiting tables or-

No. Chrissy had made a vow with herself that she would never go back to that job.

Plus, the nightclubs of Canterlot paid generously. And her performing arts fees weren't getting any smaller. She needed the money for her classes.

What she needed to do was look forward, rather than back. Not that she would ever. Today was a new day, which meant a fresh start. A new dance routine. A new conversation.

A new insult, a new glare.

Don't think that way, Chrissy chided herself.

"Maybe something good will come along today," Chrissy said, applying one dash of lipstick. She sighed internally as she spotted the nearly empty compartment. "Oh well. I'll borrow Evie's for tonight's dress rehearsal."


Quiet was the only way she could describe the streets of Canterlot. A forlorn atmosphere clung to the few people outside like sweat, a type of haze she couldn't quite place. Significantly fewer young men and women were around, many having died in the massacre.

Yet the nightclubs, of all things, were still open. Probably to provide some sort of happiness for everyone.

Chrissy pushed open the back door to the Sunset Spectacle with some effort, grunting as it creaked open.

The rehearsal room may have been sparse in luxuries, but it certainly wasn't unkempt. A few overhead lights were suspended from the ceiling, and a floor length mirror covered one side of the room.

Eleven faces looked back at her from their various stretching spots on the floor.

"Hi guys!" Chrissy greeted them all. The rest of the Spectacalites nodded back, murmuring nonchalant words of hello.

"Hey Chrissy." Evie gave her a wave and a half smile, gesturing next to her.

"So, Spectacalites." Mr. Silvana got their attention. "This week, along with doing solos, you will all be performing a group routine."

"A group routine? Do they do that here often?" Evie asked her.

Though both girls were new Spectacalites, Chrissy knew too much about all the Canterlot club's specialities.

"No. The Spectacle is known for solo shadow dancers. This is gonna be so exciting!" Chrissy squealed a bit too loudly. "What do you think the prompt is gonna be?"

"Something that has a lot of meaning," Evie guessed.

"Hopefully it's not too sad though. We really could use something lighthearted!"

"As for the prompt," Mr. Silvana continued.

Please be something good and not depressing and mournful. Life is already sad!!

"It will be the Dark Side of the Moon." Mr. Silvana allowed for a quick second of discussion, watching them all.

The response was a chorus of "what's that" and "never heard of it". Chrissy had heard Sombra and Luna discuss it before in their conversations. She knew it was a folk tale of sorts, but didn't know the details.

"Does anybody know what the heck I'm actually talking about?" Mr. Silvana was clearly slightly agitated by the dancers' responses, but couldn't muster up the strength to scold anyone.

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