Chapter 20: Luna

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A/N: This takes place after the prologue

Luna wished she could stay here forever. She lay on a bed of puffy clouds. Whisper-thin blankets kissed her skin. The sunlight crowned her in a halo of light. And.....was that rose petals she smelled? She'd linger here, perhaps a bit longer. Then wake up, say good morning to her mother, her father, her brother Astral, Celestia. The series of events that had happened over the past year were all just a terrible, terrible dream-

She opened her eyes and the fantasy shattered. The room she was in was pristine sparse. The walls were painted grey. A large bed with white sheets and blankets was in teh center of the room. To the left, A table with two chairs. To the right, an ivory closet. But a set of black crystal doors gave it away.

She was a prisoner.


Luna still hadn't managed to break out. The black crystal was impenetrable. Simply being near it dampened her magic. The glass window to her left was blocked with black crystal prison bars.

He's scared of me. Why else would he keep me locked up like this? And the thought made her smile. But, it was very clear Sombra was trying to make her feel like an equal. The room was well-furnished, the bed comfortable. She wasn't even in a proper dungeon.

Make her feel like an equal, while keeping her captive. An impossible task. You just can't win, Sombra.

Luna plopped onto the bed. It was clear she wasn't escaping any time soon. She needed to conserve her energy. If so, her next goal was to be well-informed of what was going on. From there, she could plan her next move.

The crystal bars in front of the window were thick, but still allowed room for her to peek through them. From what she could see, all the buildings in the Empire were made of the same obsidian black. Every now and then, Luna would hear the harsh crack of a whip. Maybe a shrill scream.

Citizens marched in straight lines. Stony gazes locked ahead, shoulders back. Perfect formations. No one rebelled. No one attacked. They had all submitted to Sombra's rule.

He wants me to see this. Sombra could've easily closed off her window, but instead left cracks for her to peek through. As if he were daring her to play his game. I won't buy any of this.

Sombra's last words to her before he kidnapped her still echoed in her head. Will you be my queen?

Oh, she would've been his queen. Would've.

Will you be my queen?

Never. Otherwise it would be too late. If there was one thing she learnt in life, it was to suck the poison out before it infected something. She'd have to defeat him. Perhaps then, remnants of the old Sombra would still remain. Maybe they could still be together.

A chilling presence filled the room. A presence that screamed for her to run, to go. She turned around, and at the door stood the boy she loved. He still wore his spiked crown, but instead of the elaborate armor he had worn last time, he was dressed in a simple lace up shirt and black pants.


Luna shot a light spell at the wall to her right. Sombra's glance quickly averted from her to the blue glow. Taking advantage of the still open doors, she slid through the gap between them, tackling Sombra in the process.

She scrambled to her feet and breathed deeply, feeling the rush of her full powers coming back. She raised her glowing fingertip-

"It's not that easy," Sombra taunted from his position on the ground.

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