Chapter 5: Entering the Library

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Since Princess and Cheesecake Cookie visited the Antique shop of the City of Wizards, they both wondered if they other wizards have enough crystals to by the rhinestones of sapphire as it costs 13,000. Both are still coming back to the shop, making a comback.

One day, Cherry Blossom and Red Pepper visited the library, thousands and thousands of the books from counter, upstairs and through the bookshelfs. They were somewhat not interested in reading books because Cherry Blossom loves the beautiful springs and tea party while Red Pepper does training.

"Whoa, what is this place? Looks like a museum." Asked Red Pepper.

"Hmm, It saids 'The City of Wizards Libary' I believe. I'm pretty sure there is no one in the library, I don't know if the door is locked, I'm a bit scared."
Cherry Blossom said.

Red Pepper proceeds to open the door to the library, seeming that it is not locked at all, opened.

"Ah, It seems like the door is opened instead of locked? They didn't bother locking the library after leaving? Thats odd?"

(Cherry Blossom and Red Pepper goes inside the library)

"It's too quiet in here" Red Pepper said.

"And Dark..." Cherry Blossom added.

"Okay Cherry Blossom, try to find some books we can read while I get the flash light, I cannot see when it's dark."

Red Pepper begins to search for a flashlight to see, and Cherry Blossom is looking for the books to read. She looks up, over 18 million books up and down, left to right.

"That is alot of books, I'm glad I'm not going to do a book report because that's too much to remember and breaking down the whole story from itself."

Cherry Blossom finds a very long latter with wheels on it.

"Ooh, what is this I see? A latter, okay, I'll try to get up there slowly."

Cherry Blossom begins to go up the latter to find some books, other books are legends and myths. Some are fantasy.

"Wow!! 'Curse of the Living Witch' I would love to read that. Ohh!! 'The Splendid History of Earth' I'm gonna read that one for sure it's kinda interesting, there's no training books for Red Pepper I can give him, he love to train. He fight Plum Cookie once, he finally won the match, this is the 210th time he won, even in the Grands Champion League tournament, now he fights like a pro!!"

(Cherry Blossom goes the "Genre Categories")

"Fantasy? No, Romance, hey, I think Cotton Candy Cookie loves these books since she talks about love, no wonder, I'll just get 3 just in case and I hope she loves it, she also loves to write letter, gosh, she never tells me or anybody who is she writing it to must be a secret. Cooking? Birthday Cake Cookie loves to celebrate birthday parties I'm not sure if she can cook or not, she'll love it soo much."

(Red Pepper Cookie enters a dark, wide tunnel from the bottom of the City of Wizards library as he begins to walk slowly so he won't fall or tripped into things)

"Cherry Blossom was right, it is dark, she didn't say nothing about a 'Wide'"

(Red Pepper picks up something)

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