chapter 5

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getting used to

it been a rough month since steven has most of his powers back , he try folating and landed on the ground with a broken arm , the gems toke him to the hosptial to get a cast on his arm . connie saw him and went over to him .

steven " connie ? when did you start working here "

connie was in a doctors uniform and has a clipboard , her hair was in a bun .

connie " oh im only here to help my mom on the weekends to get more hours for school , why you here "

steven " try to get my floating powers back and i broke my arm "

connie " dont you have .. " before she can say another word .

steven " healing powers , they still not working , i got half my powers back but not my healing powers "

connie mom " Dr. Priyanka Maheswaran " walk inside the room where connie , steven , and pearl was .

priyanka " well look like a month in the cast for you steven "

steven " a month what "

dr priyanka mahswaran left the room and connie follow her but steven stop her .

steven " um connie next week , you and me on a date ? "

connie smiled " yes , i text you tonight ok see you next week "

when steven and the gems got home he went stright up to his room and to his desk , he grab a pen but then he cant write with his hand , so he used is tail to write . he cross off " ask connie on a date " he look at the list

- see a therapist

- learn new things with addons

- vist spinel

- face my fear of the sun

even though he went to the hospital and that outside , it doesn't count because he hid his face in from the windows , well i guess learning new things with his addons is going to get done for a month .

amethyst " hey dude how the arm "

steven " hurts cant used it to write "

amethyst look over steven shoulder and read his list .

amerhyst " well at least connie on a date today good job dude "

amethyst left steven in the room alone , he thinking a month in a cast , he sigh and start to sing

We are the Crystal Gems

We'll always save the day

And if you think we can't,

We'll always find a way.

That's why the people of this world

Believe in

Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl and Steven!

steven thought he will never had to sing that song ever again but it kinda make him feel better

words : 471

thanks for reading remember vote and comment ,see you next time bye

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