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    A/N: This is Part II of the forth installment to my Crossover series. If you are just starting the series, I recommend you read from the first book, Crossover. You can find the entire series on my profile page. Enjoy!

    Myrtle wondered about her new darkened tower, aimlessly. She had only just recently escaped her almost certain death in Evalius. The young fairy had been chosen by Lord Argarion to be his bride. This, however, did not mean she would rule his kingdom side by side at his hand. Instead, she would be part of a ritual joining them together. This union would have allowed Argarion to steel her youth, giving the remaining years of her life to him so he could live longer. He performed this deadly ritual every ten years.

Every bride chosen before has died, that was until Myrtle. Lord Argarion did not count on her supposedly good fairy magic to save her. To escape, Myrtle had no choice but to use her magic for darkness, thus allowing her to survive. This, however, was what led to her being expelled from the Sisterhood. This was an elite group of fairies that go around, passing gifts to young princesses. These fairies were also one of the few to knew the secrets of Evalius.

Myrtle now considered herself evil. After all, there was no point in denying it considering every person she knew saw her as so. She just was not sure what to do first. After all, she was fairly certain the princess she was meant to curse has not even been born yet. What was she supposed to do with herself in the meantime?

She then thought of the other kingdoms with their own happy stories. Why do these young princesses and peasants have to be the one that get happy endings just because destiny says so? After all, fate chose to condemn her for a reason unknown to Myrtle. Why could she herself not get a happy ending?

Myrtle then realized her own life was ruined because someone interfered. After all, she was never supposed to even see Lord Argarion, nonetheless be chosen as his bride. He found her and interfered with her destiny. Myrtle began to wonder if because of this, she could change someone's fate. She began to ponder up a plan for her first evil act.

Myrtle traveled across to a simple little farm. She honestly had no idea why a fairy with powers to conjure up anything at thought would choose to live here. However, this is what Shayla, the fairy godmother, chose for her life.

Myrtle used her wand to open the door. She found Shayla sitting at a spinning wheal, aimlessly spinning up straw into gold and silver. Her light red hair fell down over her shoulders. She wore a simple white and green gown. At Myrtle's sudden presence, she jumped.

"Hello Shayla," Myrtle greeted, pleasantly. "It's a pleasure to see you after all this time."

"What do you want, Myrtle?" she asked.

Myrtle smiled with a hint of sly. "You once guided me before I officially joined the Sisterhood. Perhaps I simply came to ask for some advice."

Shayla sighed and asked, "What can I do for you, Myrtle?"

Myrtle then shook her head and head. "Actually, I think I'm ready to guide a young maiden myself."

Before Shayla could react, Myrtle waved her wand, making the spun gold and silver rise up, wrapping itself around the elder fairy, binding her.

"I'm curious about the girl you were planning to visit," Myrtle went on, casually.

"Please, Myrtle, I beg you," Shayla pleaded. "Do what you want to me, but leave Sahrissa alone! She's innocent and has done nothing to deserve your wrath."

"You know I was once innocent too," Myrtle pointed out. "I guess its just not meant for everyone to stay that way."

With that, Myrtle vanished, leaving the leftover straw to grow and form itself around the farmhouse so that no soul can either go in or out.

Crossover IV Poison Apple (Part II)Where stories live. Discover now