Chapter 11 To Locate a Fairy

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Chapter 11

To Locate a Fairy

That following Monday, Kendal returned with Vanessa to school. Vanessa really did not feel this was the right place to be now but Kendal insisted they do all their planning in this world.

"So, the charm I am about to use on the school and outside it that will make everyone forget you were ever gone, Kendal. All you need to do is act as though everything is normal," Adora explained that morning just outside Sheerwood High. "The only thing is my spell will not affect anyone who has crossed over between worlds."

"Okay, so that would exclude Walter, Ian, Mr. Evans, Aria's parents..." Kendal shot Vanessa a sharp look before adding, "my mother."

Vanessa shrugged and looked down, mumbling, "It was Aria's idea."

"It doesn't matter now," Kendal grumbled and then asked Adora, "That's it, right?"

"Oh, and Mr. Conner," Vanessa recalled.

"Why the hell does Mr. Conner know about the other world?" Kendal demanded.

Vanessa sighed. "We thought maybe since he liked Myrtle, true love's kiss might unfreeze her."

"Seriously, they've known each other less than a year and haven't even gone out on one date," Kendal pointed out.

"Well, Derek and Aria weren't going out when he kissed her and it still worked," Vanessa argued.

"That's different. In Aria's story that kiss was supposed to save her. Besides, true love's kiss is for sleeping curses, not frozen people."

Vanessa huffed. "Sorry, but you weren't here to tell us we were doing it wrong."

Kendal sighed. "I'm here now and we will figure out how to fix this. It won't be easy but there has to be a way."

Vanessa muttered, just soft enough so Kendal couldn't hear her, "Well, looks like the boss is back." She then turned to Adora and asked, "So what's the official story for Aria and Derek?"

"They both went on one of those foreign exchange programs. Aria went to Czechoslovakia, and Derek, Yemen."

Vanessa frowned. "Those aren't typical exchange countries. Usually it's like Spain or France. I don't most people even know where those places are. I know I don't."

"Most people have actually glanced at a world map, Vanessa," Kendal grumbled.

Vanessa rolled her eyes but could not help but smile. It was nice to have her friend back even if they didn't always get along.

Adora sighed. "I just went with what looked interesting on that internet page. Part of me just wishes I could get her parents to believe the same."

Without any words, Vanessa merely dropped her head down. She could not even imagine how Aria's parents reacted to the news of their daughter's attack, especially not knowing if she could be saved.

Kendal went ahead to the classroom. Vanessa walked in the school quietly after Adora finished her spell. She watched as her classmates chatted amongst each other so carefree. Vanessa wished she could feel that too. In a way, life seemed simpler before they discovered the other world.

"Hey, Vanessa."

Vanessa looked down the hall and saw Ian had called her.

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