Chapter 8 A New Alliance

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Chapter 8

A New Alliance

Vanessa and Aria met up for lunch in Adora's room to discuss their plan further.

"Aria, seeking out Sahrissa is not the answer," Adora stated flatly.

Vanessa nodded. "Yeah, if the Evil Queen is what this Snow Queen wants then maybe it's best just to let them fight each other and stay out of it."

"And what about Myrtle?" Aria demanded, slamming her hand on the desk. "If Sahrissa kills the Snow Queen then how are we supposed to figure out a way to save her?"

"You should let the other fairies help Myrtle, Aria," Adora cut in. "I trust they're working on a way to help her."

Aria snorted. "Are they? Because it was not that long ago, Verna was willing to put Myrtle to death! Besides, if fairy's magic was actually able to help her then she'd probably be unfrozen by now."

"So what is you're plan, Aria?" Adora wondered, dreadfully. "Seeking out Sahrissa?"

"She's the only one that knows the Snow Queen," Aria insisted. "If anyone can answer any questions about her magic it would be Queen Sahrissa."

Adora folded her hands and dropped her head in between, letting out a sigh. "Aria, you really concern me sometimes. You're always so eager to dive into trouble. The other world can still be dangerous, even the good parts."

"Yeah, well my story's over in the good parts of that land so if I go to Sahrissa's kingdom then I should be fine," Aria debated.

"Aria, just because your story is over doesn't make you invisible," Adora cautioned. "I think you forget that sometimes."

Aria let out a huff but did not say anything. She knew there was no point in arguing. Adora remained here to take Myrtle's place in being the fairy that watched over the Princess of Galatia. Her new guardian would never intentionally lead Aria anywhere she believed dangerous.

When lunch break was over, Aria verbally agreed not to venture off to Ventura. The moment they left the room Vanessa asked, "We're still going there, aren't we?"

"We have to do what we can for Myrtle," Aria said, firmly, her eyes straight ahead. "Besides, I remember the conversation Sahrissa had with Myrtle. She didn't exactly seem to hate her. Maybe we can convince her to help us save her."

Vanessa shook her head, doubtful. "I'm not sure she'll be so eager to help."

"I suppose we can make a deal," Aria suggested, sounding apprehensive. "Sahrissa helps us revive Myrtle and then maybe we can help her out against the Snow Queen."

Vanessa was not too keen on the idea of negotiating with the Evil Queen, but she could not think of a way to talk Aria out of it. She recalled when Aria tearing back to the palace in Evalius when Argarion had Myrtle in there alone.

"So how are we going to get downtown?" Vanessa wondered aloud. "Neither of us have a car."

Aria lightly tapped her foot and stated, "That is really starting to be an inconvenience. You know, I tried talking my parents into letting me get a cheap car, but they don't even seem to trust me with one."

"Maybe that's because they're afraid of you driving off to a portal to another world whenever you want," Derek chimed in from behind them.

Aria turned around and huffed, "Well, I am old enough to cross worlds by myself. I mean, in that world sixteen is considered to be an adult and I'm seventeen so..."

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