Chapter 6 Frozen

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Chapter 6


"Well, that completely backfired on us," Vanessa grumbled the next day in Homeroom. "What happened to true love?"

This day the girls met in a separate class for their Homeroom. Aria and Vanessa chatted while they waited for the bell to ring beginning the class.

"This is a disaster," Aria commented. "Did you notice the entire atmosphere in that world felt different? Maybe true love just isn't as strong."

"I don't know. All I felt when I was there was just cold," Vanessa said. She looked at Aria and wondered aloud, "You don't think the random winter is affecting the overall atmosphere there, do you?"

Aria sighed and admitted, "I'm not sure. A lot of things are messed up in that world now so I suppose its possible."

"Do you think it's all because Kendal is living there as queen now?" Vanessa asked her.

"If it is, then all the more reason to bring her back home," Aria said flatly, with a soft pound to the table.

Vanessa huffed, looking doubtful. "You're forgetting that this entire school thinks she's a murderer."

Aria shook her head, unalarmed. "Maybe Adora or the other fairies can think of a way to deal with that. Right now, we just need to focus on convincing Kendal to come back."

"How?" Vanessa demanded. "If her own boyfriend, who's proven to be her true love, can't talk her into coming back then who can?"

Aria looked up as she felt a layer of fog lift from her mind. "Maybe we just need to try a different kind of love, family love. We'll bring her mother there."


That afternoon, Mrs. Lewis pulled up in front of the little building in downtown Norfolk with the girls in the back seat. It took quite a bit for Aria and Vanessa to convince her they knew where Kendal was, but her desperation to find her daughter kicked in.

As Mrs. Lewis put the car in park, Vanessa tilted her head and mouthed to Aria, "This is a bad idea."

"We've tried everything else," Aria whispered back. "At this point, I'd say we're out of options."

They all got out of the car and started towards the run down building.

Mrs. Lewis raised her eyebrow. "So are you telling me Kendal is in there?"

Aria swallowed a breath and glanced at Vanessa before answering, "In a way, yes. You'll see what I mean when we go in."

Aria led the way with Vanessa beside her while Mrs. Lewis followed still appearing quite uncertain.

Vanessa leaned over to Aria and whispered, "So what do you think is going to happen, Mrs. Lewis grounding Kendal and making her come home?"

"I'm just hoping a parent's love is enough to make her want to come back," Aria answered.

When they entered the empty building, Mrs. Lewis huffed and said, "There's no one here."

Aria glanced at Vanessa, hoping she can help come of with a way to convince Mrs. Lewis to step into the fountain. However, judging by her friend's expression, Aria could tell Vanessa was still not on board with this plan.

"Girls, what's going on?" Mrs. Lewis demanded. "Why have you brought me to this place? I don't see Kendal anywhere!"

"We need to go wait by the fountain," Vanessa said quietly, walking towards it. "She'll be able to see us from there."

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