Chapter 12 Trial and Error

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Chapter 12

Trial and Error

"Vanessa!" Kendal rushed over to the straw and placed her hands on it. She could feel her friend pounding it from the inside. "It's okay. I'm going to get you out of there."

Kendal stepped back and held her hands up.

"You're not going to blow that thing up, are you?" Walter asked, nervously.

Kendal shook her head, confidently. "No. I'm only going to singe an opening so she can push through."

Kendal blocked every other thought out of her mind so she could stay focused as she raised both hands and pointed directly at the straw. A tiny flame scorched the giant straw. Kendal slowly guided the flame making a rectangular shape as tall as Vanessa. The little fire vanished the moment it touched the ground.

"Okay Vanessa," Kendal called out to her. "You should be able to push through now."

The straw burst forward and a shaken Vanessa popped out. She ran straight to Walter to hug him.

"Are you okay?" Kendal asked, stepping towards them.

Instead of answering, Vanessa shook her head and pointed towards the now leaning straw tower, her finger shaking. "There's... there's someone else in there."

Kendal looked back to see any sign of movement. She slowly stepped towards the straw tower.

"Kendal, what are you doing?" Vanessa called in panic.

Kendal briefly turned her head. "Just stay back." She peered back into the opening she forged. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

A shadow began to emerge out. Kendal stepped back and raised her hands for defenses. However, once the figure came out it turned out to be a woman around Kendal's height.

"My, my, it sure is bright out here," the woman said, covering her eyes.

Kendal stepped closer to her. "Are you Shayla?"

She nodded and presumed to dust her arms off. "Can't really see how dirty I really am since I lived in absolute darkness."

"How did you survive in there?" Vanessa asked her.

The curly-haired fairy looked back at the straw. "Well, my home is in there so I was pretty much living normally, only without being able to see very well. I used magic to provide for my other needs."

Walter raised his eyebrow. "If you were still able to do magic, how come you couldn't use it to escape?"

"Well, my magic is not as strong as the woman's who trapped me in here," Shayla stated. "She used dark magic..." She eyed Kendal and added, "You must have dark magic too as you were able to free me."

Kendal sighed. "Well, yes it comes from a dark source but I try to use it for good now."

Shayla nodded. "Well, very good then. That's better than I can say for the fairy that did this to me. Now, do you know where I can find Myrtle?"

"You really don't need to worry about Myrtle right now," Kendal told her. "She's not really in a position where she can harm you now, or anyone. We actually do need your help though."

"Well, I am a fairy godmother," Shayla informed, promptly. "What I do is offer guidance so if that's what you need, then I'm here to help."

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