Chapter 17 Fall of Queens

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Chapter 17

Fall of Queens

There was a piercing chill in the air as the sun peeked closer towards the middle of the sky. It was reported in Ventura that Bellaire troops were moving in towards this kingdom, led by the Ice Queen herself. Kendal planned to have her men encounter the troops outside the kingdom gates when they arrived. Although, as a precaution, the majority of the citizens, mostly consisting of elders, woman, and children, went to Evalius for a temporary stay to remain safe.

At this time, Kendal, Vanessa and Derek sat up on the top balcony, waiting. The cool breeze that brushed against Kendal's cheeks felt surreal. Today, more than any day, this world merely felt like a dream. 

Vanessa sighed and wondered aloud, "Do you remember a couple years ago when our biggest worry was not forgetting our homework?"

Kendal could not help but giggle. "Maybe for you."

"You know what I mean," Vanessa said with a laugh.

Derek let out a sigh, leaning over the balcony. "Those were the days. All I had to worry about was school and football."

"Sometimes I wish we never came here," Vanessa admitted, quietly. "Then we wouldn't be in this mess now."

"You do have a point," Derek agreed. "Our ordinary life was better before."

Kendal, however shook her head, looking at Vanessa. "I don't think so. If it weren't for all that's happened the past couple years, we might not be friends right now." She shot a glance at Derek, and added, "Also, you and Aria might never have started dating in the first place."

"No," Derek said, shaking his head. "I know I liked her before. I just wasn't sure how to deal with my feelings back then."

"So it's official. Walter and I were right when we called it," Vanessa chimed in with a grin. She then looked to Kendal. "Who knows. We might have eventually worked it out. I mean, we were friends for a pretty long time before."

Kendal let out a hollow chuckle. "I doubt it. Do you remember what I was like then? If I stayed that way, I'd probably be stressing about winning Prom Queen right now."

Vanessa laughed. "Yeah, fair point. I guess everything really does happen for a reason."

The three sat in silence for just a moment before the horns started blowing, followed by an announcement that the enemies were close.

Kendal drew in a breath that pierced her throat. "I guess its time."

They went inside and saw all the troops marching through the halls.

"We have to win," Vanessa insisted. "I mean we're in good land. Doesn't good always win here?"

Kendal did not have it in her heart to show her doubt. "Of course. We will take this ice bitch down once and for all."

Vanessa gave a small-relieved smile before starting down the hall. Derek started to follow but Kendal grabbed his arm.

"What is it?" Derek asked her.

"I need you to promise me something," Kendal said in a hush tone.

Derek tilted his head, confused, but answered, "Of course. What is it?"

Kendal took in a breath and then said, "If anything happens to me out there, I need you to promise you will do whatever it takes to get Vanessa away from here to safety."

Derek shook his head. "Nothing's going to happen to you. I'll be right by your side."

"No," Kendal insisted, holding his arm. "I am going to take the Ice Queen head on and I need you to keep Vanessa away from her. Please, promise me."

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