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            Myrtle sat at her old desk in her classroom with a stack off papers and a red pen. She made a mental note never to have Adora substitute for her again. The walls were now a tie-dye color with inconsistent patterns. It looked like a clown vomited paint all over the walls. When Myrtle questioned her on this, Adora claimed the room needed more color, but she could not decide which one so she painted them all. Myrtle planned to have the walls painted black. Perhaps that would intimidate the children.

            Myrtle heard a knock on the door and replied, "Come in."

            "Welcome back," Casey said with a smile as he closed the door behind him. "It's... uh, good to see you again."

            "Thanks," Myrtle responded offering a small smile in return. "It's good to be back... I guess."

            Her eyes briefly pointed at the stack of papers.

            "I see," Casey commented. "Your friend left you a lot of work."

            "Well, she did attempt to grade all these papers," Myrtle grumbled, with her hand on her head, exasperated, "but apparently no one explained to her how our grading system works." She held up one paper. "For instance, this one, she just wrote the letter, T. I don't know what that means."

            "Terrific?" Casey suggested with a shrug.

            "I suppose," Myrtle agreed with a sigh. "All she did on the actual paper was circle a sentence and write a question mark... I guess I'll give it a B-minus."

            "I guess it must be hard for a fairy to adjust to living in the modern world," Casey pointed out, quietly.

            "It didn't take me that long," Myrtle muttered until what he said struck her. "Wait... how... why do you know that?"

            When Casey didn't immediately answer, Myrtle stood up. "Aria! It must be Aria. I'm going to have a talk with her. She can't just tell everyone."

            "Wait," Casey said, grabbing her arm. "She was only trying to help you."

            Myrtle raised her eyebrow. "Why would telling you about my true nature help me?"

            The Science teacher looked down and muttered, "She thought maybe true-loves kiss would wake you up from whatever frozen spell you were under."

            "Really..." Myrtle uttered, feeling suddenly light-headed. She then rolled her eyes. "Well, Aria's been in that world long enough to know that true-love's kiss wouldn't work on frozen people."

            Casey remained quiet for a moment and then stepped towards the door. "Well, if you ever need anything or just want to talk..."

            "You said something about getting coffee some time ago, didn't you," Myrtle cut in. When he nodded, she added, "Let's go now. I can use a boost."

            Casey smiled. "That sounds good."


            The lights flashed and the music softened as everyone gathered around the stage, anxiously awaiting who will be the next Junior Prom King and Queen. The boys were lined up on one side of the stage and the girls the other. Mr. Evans did the honor of making the announcement. However, first he chose to give a speech on the meaning of king and queen.

            Vanessa huffed and rolled her eyes. "Seriously? I just want this to be over."

            "A king to most is a symbol of leadership," Mr. Evans went on with passion, loosing the attention of the audience. "To others, he is a symbol of power and strength, and a representative of their lands."

Crossover IV Poison Apple (Part II)Where stories live. Discover now