Chapter 13 There and...

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Chapter 13

There and...

            When Kendal entered the school's open office, she strutted right past Mrs. Hall's desk and headed for the principal's private office.

            "Oh Miss Lewis," Mrs. Hall called out. "Principal Sherman said she did not want to see anyone..."

            Well that's too bad, Kendal thought, ignoring her. Instead, she burst open the principal's door and marched right in.

            Sahrissa, who was straightening a portrait of a basket of apples on the wall, jumped at the sound of the door then sighed. "I should have known simply ordering no students allowed in my office would stop you."

            "We need to talk," Kendal uttered, intently, shutting the door behind her.

            The queen, posing as principal, briefly smoothed her black suit and skirt and sat down in her leather chair, motioning her hand. "Please, have a seat."

            Kendal did not move.

            "Or stand if you prefer," Sahrissa muttered, awkwardly.

            Kendal could not help but smirk slightly. She knew just what she was doing. The more uncomfortable she made the queen, the more of an advantage she had in this interaction.

            "Anyway," Sahrissa continued, "I understand I have wronged you last time I was here..."

            "You mean when you killed me," Kendal reminded her, gritting.

            The queen sighed, looking down for a moment. "Yes, well, technically it was a sleeping curse. Any curse can be broken, as you well know. Anyway, I have an offer for you now."

            Kendal remained quiet. She was honestly curious of where the queen was going with this.

            The queen went on, "If you allow me to live peacefully amongst this world, I'll make the rest of your years in this school as you want it."

            "What do you mean?" Kendal asked her, folding her arms.

            Sahrissa lifted her hand. "I can restore your position as Head Cheerleader. I can assure your victory for this Prom Queen. Or perhaps, if you want to put your leadership skills to better use, I could make you Class President. Personally, I think that would be best suited for you."

            "You know what I want?" Kendal said, quietly, placing her hands on the desk. "I want my friend back."

            The queen sighed and folded her hands. "I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for the Princess Aria."

            "There has to be a way," Kendal argued, shaking her head. "Any curse can be undone, right?"

            "This isn't an ordinary curse," Sahrissa informed her. "It's her magic. There is no way to undo it."

            "How do you know?" Kendal challenged her.

            "Because I've tried before, countless times," Sahrissa said, quietly. "I even tried just recently on Myrtle after she froze her. I know my magic is strong, but not strong enough to undo hers."

            Kendal huffed and finally took a seat directly across from Sahrissa. She had no intention of leaving this office until she got the queen to agree to at least try.

            "So is this your plan then?" Kendal asked her, softly, "To just hide out here in this world and hope that she never finds you?"

            "Yes," Sahrissa answered simply.

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