Chapter 1 Permanent Residence

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Chapter 1

Permanent Residence

With her wand firmly gripped in her palm, Adora strolled up the bright green hill towards the House of the Sisterhood, where the fairies resided. She had no intention of actually using her wand but she found holding it tightly helped her keep focus. What she had to do was in its own challenge, try to sway the mind of the leader of the Sisterhood, Verna.

In recent time, Verna had declared both Queen Sahrissa and Queen Kendal had to die for disturbing the balance in their world. In the Northeast region, each kingdom had its own story, where good always wins and evil is defeated. Verna strongly believed that as long as each story was permitted to run its course, everything would remain peaceful. But now, Kendal and Sahrissa were raging war against one another. This would be the first war that ever occurred between kingdoms in the Northeast region.

Adora also could not forget, Kendal was a close friend to Aria. She did not even want to think of how the young Princess of Galatia would react if her friend was put to death. Adora wanted Aria to see the fairies as guides, beings to look up to, especially if she were to become Queen of Galatia.

When she entered the brightly lit house, Adora found Verna alone, looking out the window into the green pastures. The fresh smell of spring sifted in through the open windows. Each day grew warmer as the region neared towards summer.

"Verna," Adora began slowly, "I need to talk to you."

"I know what you came to discuss, Adora," Verna replied, her eyes distant. "It concerns Queen Kendal, does it not?"

"Kendal," she said firmly, "is just a girl. You're judging her too harshly. It's not her fault Sahrissa decided to come after her. That is when the story got messed up in the first place."

Verna sighed, still gazing out the window. "Sahrissa's story was already tampered with by Myrtle. That was when this fracas truly began."

Adora drew in a breath. "Surely you don't mean to condemn Myrtle to death as well."

The head fairy stepped away from the window and turned to face Adora as she answered, "I've spoken the words before but in truth I do not think I can put one of our own sisters to death, not matter what she's done."

Adora felt a small comfort of relief and pointed out, "Kendal is Aria's friend. It would grieve the princess greatly if you were too..."

"I do not know what I intend to do," Verna admitted. "I never imagined a situation as this and now something else has happened."

"What has happened?"

Verna held out her hand. "Come with me and I'll show you."

When Adora took her sister's hand, Verna led her to what appeared to be a land covered in layers of snow. She imagined they had gone far north.

"Where are we?" Adora asked.

"Don't you recognize your princess's home?" Verna asked, extending her hand. "This is Galatia."

Adora's eyes scanned her white surroundings. "But it mid-spring. It never snows here in spring at all."

"Precisely," Verna agreed. "Something is affecting the seasons and who knows what else."

Adora studied her leader's expression and then asked, "You don't think this is because of the war between Kendal and Sahrissa do you?"

"I don't know," Verna said. "But if its not them, then that means something else is out there."


Words spread like venom at Sheerwood High. By the end of the day, the entire school suspected Kendal of murder. By the end of the week, the press was included. Aria had not even seen her friend since the day of the murder.

"This is insane!" Vanessa stammered as they left the school that Friday afternoon. "I can't believe people actually think Kendal killed our councilor."

Aria remained quiet as they walked to the school parking lot. She wished she could share Vanessa's confidence that Kendal for certain did not commit the murder. However, after what Myrtle said about Kendal putting King Victor under a sleeping curse, Aria was unsure of what to expect of her friend.

"We should talk to the fairies," Vanessa suggested. "Maybe there's something magical they can do to make all this go away so Kendal can come back to school."

Aria let out a breath before saying, "I don't think the fairies would be willing to do something that extreme in our world. Besides, we can't ask them to create a lie in a non-magical world."

Vanessa stopped walking and turned to look at her sharply. "What are you suggesting, Aria? You're making it sound like you think Kendal actually did it!"

"We don't know what happened," Aria replied, trying to contain a level tone. "The only evidence we have is that Kendal was the last person seen talking to Becket and they had a huge fight right before he was killed."

"That doesn't mean she did it!" Vanessa stammered, hotheadedly. "For all we know, she could have been set up. Maybe it was Argarion? That would make more sense. Whatever Kendal has become now, there is no way she would ever do something like this!"

"She's already done something close to this," Aria pointed out, her eyes narrowing towards the ground.

"What do you mean?" Vanessa demanded in a more cushioned tone.

Aria reluctantly explained, "Well, according to Myrtle, Kendal did place the king she was supposed to marry under a sleeping curse."

Vanessa gasped for a moment lost of words. She then considered quietly, "Well, its just a sleeping curse. It's not like she murdered him. All he needs is true love's kiss and he'll wake up, right?"

"I suppose," Aria muttered, not even wanting to go into how to find the true love of a king who already lost his first wife.

"It still doesn't mean Kendal would murder Becket," Vanessa went on hardly. "I can't believe between the two of us, I'm the one defending her."

Aria sighed and considered, "I think we just need to talk to her and get her point of view on what happened."

"You're right," Vanessa agreed as they started walking again. "We should go to her place now. I bet she's freaking out. She needs us."

The girls walked to Kendal's house, which was only a few blocks away. The walk was only just minutes longer than the path from Sheerwood to Aria's house. The conversation was either light or completely silent.

When they arrived and rung the doorbell, a red wet-eyed Mrs. Lewis cracked open the door.

"Hi Mrs. Lewis," Aria began with caution. "Is, uh... Kendal there?"

Mrs. Lewis shook her head as the tears started to drip down. "No, Kendal hasn't come home at all this week. I don't know what happened. There's no sign of her anywhere. The police have been looking but..."

Aria and Vanessa both looked at each other. Aria could tell they were thinking the same thing. Kendal decided to make a permanent residence in the other world.

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