Chapter 10 Reaquainted

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Chapter 10


Vanessa sat against the wall, with her legs spread, staring blankly at her best friend's frozen body. Derek stood on the other side, gazing out the window. The two have not uttered a word the past hour. Vanessa did not even see Derek turn around to look at Aria. She herself, felt unsure what to think. If tears dripped out, that would mean Aria had gone for good. Vanessa refused to let herself cry.

            Hearing the sound of footsteps, Vanessa barely turned her head to see the Evil Queen enter the room.  For a moment, she wondered when this queen would kick her and Derek out of the castle. That seemed inevitable.

            "Um..." Queen Sahrissa began, hesitantly. "The king and queen of Galatia have requested that their daughter's body be returned to their kingdom."

            Her body? She's not dead! Vanessa wanted to scream, but instead she merely nodded and asked quietly, "What's going to happen to us?"

            "If you wish to return home, I can provide you transportation to the lake," Sahrissa offered. "I would suggest you keep torches around you at all times for safety. Of course, you can stay here as long as you need..."

            "My queen," a guard entered the room and announced, "Galatia has officially declared war on this Ice Queen. The king asks if you wish to form an alliance."

            "We can't fight her." Sahrissa looked at him and sighed dolefully. "Tell the guards anyone who wants to join the fight is welcome to."

            Derek turned around with a stoic expression. "I'm going to fight."

            Vanessa gasped. "Have you lost your mind? You'll likely end up frozen too! I think we should just go home and get help. Maybe the fairies..."

            "What good are the fairies going to do?" Derek demanded, hotheadedly. "Have you not seen Myrtle lately?"

            Vanessa walked over towards him. "And you think you can defeat her by fighting? Derek, you're not thinking clearly. We need a plan."

            Derek pounded his fist to the wall and glanced at Aria. "Who's usually the one that comes up with the rescue plans?"

            Vanessa sighed sadly, but then had a sudden thought. "Well, if not Aria then what about Kendal?"

            Derek snorted. "Kendal already declared an alliance with the Ice Queen. She's not going to help us against her."

            "That was before the Ice Queen attacked Aria!" Vanessa shouted back. "She'll see things differently now. I know she will!"

            "Have you forgotten Kendal was on the way to becoming the next Evil Queen?" He glanced at Sahrissa and added, awkwardly, "No offense."

            "She hasn't done anything evil yet," Vanessa argued.

            Derek flung his hands up. "We still don't even know if she really killed that Becket guy!"

            "She didn't," Sahrissa interjected before Vanessa could say anything. "I was the one that killed Becket." She looked down and explained more quietly, "I was hoping you all would think Kendal did it so..."

            Vanessa actually felt a sudden hope from what the queen said. "See? We haven't completely lost her. I'm going to Bellaire."

            Derek shrugged. "If you want to waste your time that's fine. I'm going to Galatia."

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