The End: James and Lily Potter

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"Breath easy don't have to carry other people's heavy anymore." - Tanya Wright, Butterflies Rising 

     Giggles erupted from the lungs of the small child sitting on the living room floor. The sound of unadulterated happiness managed to get James Potter to smile, which was sadly something of few and far between occurrences these days. James had been very careful to not let his mood affect his son. So, this Halloween night, James found himself pouring green colored smoke towards his child, who was reaching out and attempting to catch the gaseous material with his small baby fists. He always looked at his empty hand with confusion over his failure; it amused James to no end. 

     James reached out to steady the baby as he had nearly fallen over by the weight of his latest onslaught of giggles. "Are you torturing our child?" Lily asked jokingly as she arrived in the room. 

     "Oh, yeah," James answered sarcastically. "Ya caught me."

     "Knew it," she grinned, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of his raven colored hair. He turned to smile at her. 

     Lily noted the way James' smile didn't quite reach his eyes; it was the smile that he typically gave her when he didn't want her to know something was bothering him. Lily sighed as she took a seat next to him on their couch. 

     "What's on your mind, love?" She asked, nudging his shoulder lightly with hers. 

      James turned his head to look at her, hazel eyes wide with innocence. "Nothing." 

      She gave him a look. James Potter was painfully selfless. "Charlie again?"

     James blinked the fluid from his eyes and swallowed harshly. Harry made a noise of protest as the smoke had stopped coming from his dad's wand. James cleared his throat and continued in his role as entertainer keeping his eyes from his wife. 

     "James," she said gently, placing a hand on his arm.

     He swallowed the lump in his throat. "It's fine, Lils. Promise."

     "No, it isn't, love. It really isn't."

     He shook his head, gritting his teeth. "You don't need to hear me talk about my ex-girlfriend." 

     Something flashed in Lily's eyes. "Your ex-girlfriend?" She demanded. "Charlotte Riggs was so much more than that, and you know it. She was one of your best friends, one of my best friends, James. Stop using her being your ex as excuse not to talk about it. You know that's not what any of us think of when we think of Charlie. She was our friend, James. Not your ex-girlfriend. She was Remus' girlfriend. My best friend. Your best friend. Peter's best friend. Sirius' best friend. She hasn't been your ex-girlfriend in a very long time." 

     James bowed his head, fighting the tears that were threatening to spill over. "I know," he answered hoarsely. He knew it was just an easy excuse not to think about it. Not to talk about it. 

      Lily's body sagged; guilt gnawed at her insides because she didn't mean to snap at him like that. She reached out and gently brushed his black hair from his eyes. James clenched his jaw not wanting to think about it, but think about it he did. 

      James Potter had been the one to find Charlotte Riggs. Nobody knew anything was wrong, that she was missing at the time. He had been headed over to discuss an upcoming mission; he and Charlie made one hell of a team. He had arrived to her house the night of September 23rd. He could still see the dark mark hovering over her cottage home; it often haunted his nightmares. 

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