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The helicopter took us to our homebase in Bridgeton, New Jersey. South Woods State Prison. Or at least it was at one point. We had completely walled off half of the city to house survivors. The prison was where our military operations for New York were held.
We had a survivor camp in every state except Alaska, Hawaii, New York and everywhere north of New York. Although Bridgeton was our main city for military operations at the moment. Taking back the country these past three years was a fuckfest but we managed it. All that was left was the New England area. And New York had proven to be the toughest state yet.
I followed Lieutenant Sampson into the briefing room. General Wilson, the highest commanding officer in what's left of the United States, was waiting. He looked up and saw the two of us. His face fell.
"I guess Operation Yankee didn't go so well?"
I said nothing but Sampson stepped forward.
"Three casualties. Private Williams. Specialist Patterson. And Sniper Jameson. We fell under attack when Williams attracted the attention of crowz.."
Attracted? I looked to Sampson. This fucker was making himself look good!
"...and the crowz turned him into an SSI within minutes. Williams turned on us and attracted the rest of the swarm. In the retreat to a roof for extraction, Patterson tripped and fell down the stairs into the clutches of the monsters..."
We could've saved him. I know we could've...
"...and after the helicopter came and picked us up, Jameson was grabbed by an SSI and was infected. I... did what I had to."
Well at least some of what he said was true.
Wilson nodded, "We will honor these fallen soldiers with what we do next. Operation Yankee is still a go. We need New York and Yankee Stadium is the best place for us to start!"
Sampson nodded back. "We understand sir. Right Hamburg?"
He turns to me.
I nodded, "Yes Lieutenant." Wilson nodded back "Then go to the barracks and find a new squad. Dismissed!"
Sampson and I left towards the barracks. I looked out the window at the crowz trying to fly in and getting shocked at the tesla gate above. I thought about Williams. The fear in his eyes as the crowz knawed on his bones before he completely turned into one of... Them.
Sampson stops and turns to me. He must've noticed me watching the crowz.
"I'm sorry Hamburg. Sacrifices have to be made to win wars. And the only way to kill a monster is to be one. I hope you understand, but Williams had to die. So did Patterson. And so did Jameson."
My blood began to boil.
"They didn't need to!" I yelled at him, "I understand Jameson, but Williams was just a kid! It was his first mission! And Patterson? I could've saved him! I could've-"
Sampson grabbed my shoulder. Hard. He put a finger in my face. "If you had gone back to save Patterson, we wouldn't have made it to the evac! We would've been jumped on like Jameson! Three losses is better than five Hamburg!"
I shrugged off his hand. "I would've gladly died with Patterson. 'Lieutenent'."
And with that, I walked off. I needed to cooldown. Sampson could find a good squad without me. I just needed time alone. I sat in a seat looking down at the exercise field.
Once there was many horrible people held here. I don't know their names, but I feel like I belonged here now. The field was littered with tents for the sleeping quarters and the families of the soldiers. Patterson's wife was out there... How will I explain-
"Hey Michael!" I heard a voice behind me and my heart dropped.
I turned and saw a blonde haired woman with green eyes.
Tiffany, Patterson's wife.
She smiled at me, holding a box. "Wasn't expecting to see you for another day or two! Oh well! I guess you get your present on time this year!"
I had to tell her about her husband. But she seemed so happy. I decided there was no avoiding it...
"Tiffany. I..."
Her face turned to confusion. "Is something wrong Mikey?"
I shook my head. "It's Lars. He..."
Her face dropped. "No..." She fell to the ground and began to cry. "No no no no no... How am I gonna tell Tyler?"
As if on cue, the little blonde haired, blue eyed boy appeared near us, I didn't notice him come up.
"Mommy? What's wrong?"
Tiffany wiped her eyes and held the almost three year old boi. "Oh Ty..."
Tyler looked up at me. I started to tear up and covered my face. We all huddled together and cried. We were all having a bad day. I never did like my birthday.

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