The Nightmare

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We decided to use the stairwell as a place to rest. Kent took first watch and I fell asleep instantly. I opened my eyes and everyone was gone. I saw Sampson with the knife wound in his throat standing over me. He lifted me up by my collar and threw me against the wall.
"Who's Stone Cold now, Hamburg?"
He threw me down the stairs and suddenly I was in a snowy field. I looked up as Sampson aimed his revolver at Grandfather. I screamed as he fired a shot, letting the old man fall to the ground. Dead. Ella suddenly jumped in front of me and aimed a gun at Sampson.
He only laughed and fired his revolver at her. Killing her as well. I screamed even louder and crawled over to her. I brushed the hair out of her face to see her pale moon eyes were empty now. Life has left her body.
Sampson spoke as he refilled his revolver.
"The truth of the matter is, Hamburg. Whether you like it or not..."
He aimed his gun at me. "You can't win this war without losing your morals."
He fired and I woke up in a hot sweat. I wiped my face off and looked to Ella. She was asleep. I can't become Sampson, but can I really save everyone?

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