Old Friends Gone, New Friends Here

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I fired my gun, the bullets went straight through his head, cutting it in half down the middle and stopping at his upper jaw. I expected him to fall, but instead he just stood there. Suddenly, spider legs made of bloody human bones came out of his face and pulled his head back together. His face now looked stitched together by bones, down the middle. I watched in horror as a skeletal finger pointed at us. His voice, once snake-like, was now a shriek.
The swarm started to close in while Patterson walked away and disappeared into the swarm. I looked to Kent who met my eyes. He nodded. We both knew we weren't escaping this. I closed my eyes and waited for the burning of my skin.
Suddenly there was the sound of a metal object bouncing into the crowd reached my ears, I looked for a second to see a grenade roll into the swarm and disappear.
I yelled to Kent, "GET DOWN!"
We both dropped to the floor as an explosion went off, sending deadies and debris flying. Then another from our left, and another from our right. The swarm had been reduced to only a few from which was taken out by Jules, jumping down from the top of the wall. She killed them all with precise shots in the middle of their foreheads. When they were all gone, she looked down at us.
"You boys alright?"
Kent got straight up and hugged her.
"I take back everything I said about you and Lincoln!"
She smiled and hugged him back. I looked up to where she jumped down from to see Ella watching. She smiled down at me and waved. I waved back and looked around at the bodies that littered the field. No sign of Patterson. I guess the fight continues...

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