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After we were all rested, we continued on. We finally reached the briefing room but couldn't get in. The door was budged. Me and Kent decided to break it open. We slammed into it three times before it opened and dozens of dead deadies piled to the floor.
"Looks like someone was using the deadies to avoid the deadies..." Kent whispered.
I nodded and led the others inside. We went further in until someone came out from under a table. It was General Wilson, holding a Glock. He aimed it at Ella, to which I walked in front of. He was suddenly confused.
"Soldier! What is the meaning of this?"
I explained to him about the Immunes. He hesitated and finally dropped his weapon.
"I'm sorry. I've been on edge since the attacks."
I walked over to the old general.
"You mean there's more?"
Wilson nodded. "Bases all over the country started getting them the same time as us. The deadies are mutating. The scientists at DC are calling them the MI's. Or mutated infection. The FSMI, First Species of Mutated Infection is what we're calling the Alphas.
"They take control of hordes of deadies and have intelligence to a point. And whatever we throw at them, they seem to pull themselves back together anyway."
Kent looked to me. "Your friend in the field..."
Wilson nodded and continued, "Then there's the SSMI. Second Species of Mutated Infection. We started calling them Spiders. Their mouths reach their mid sternum and their legs double and elongate."
I nodded, "We experienced both so far."
Wilson shook his head and continued, "It gets worse I'm afraid. The TSMI is probably the worst one, even with numbers so little. We started calling them Brutes before we realized their so much more. They seem to absorb our bullets into their massive bodies and their fingers are each a tentacle. Their arms are the size of half an average human.
"They also have intelligence. Thank the Lord that we haven't experienced that one. It's destructive power took down the Vegas Outpost's walls with just a single run at it. These things are Titans among men. And there were rumors of the FoSMI but I thought they were only rumors until now."
He looked to Ella. I shook my head.
"You mean the Immune?"
He nodded, "The FoSMI, or as you call them, Immune, are human in every way. Only with pale skin, seemingly inability to age, pale eyes, much less rage than any other mutation, and increased speed and strength."
I thought back to when Ella dodged the sniper bullet.
"The FoSMI was thought to be a new kind of disability in humans that was kept classified until now. Now we know that they are the key to humanities survival. The first mutation. Our adaptation to this virus."
He looked to Ella, "My dear, you and your people are the key."
Ella looked to me and I returned the glance. Her people came to me for help and now my people are looking to her as our future... I have a strange taste in women.

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