The Spiders

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We recuperated and headed back to the helicopter. The vehicle was completely destroyed. Marvin laid on the ground, a hole in his chest like a giant pole had stabbed straight through him. Ella examined him.
"This isn't right... Deadies can't do this... What could've done all this?"
I looked to the pilots seat of the burning chopper. He was gone. Not even a burning body.
"I don't know,"
I examined the wreckage.
"But the pilots missing. Perhaps turned deadie?"
Jules shook her head. "Possibly. But keep an eye out."
I nodded and we continued into the entrance of a huge building. The large corridor was long and dark. Deadies were no where to be seen. We were all on edge, waiting for something to jump out. And that it did.
As we were walking, the pilot fell in front of us and stopped midair. We all aimed our guns at him. He was wrapped in what looked like his own intestines. Stretched to look like bloody webs. His skin was pale, completely devoid of blood.
He wasn't even turning, he was... eaten. I followed the line up with my gun to see a creature eating the intestines that led to the pilot. The creature was deadie for sure from the waste up, but from the waste down he had four long legs, possibly three feet long in between each joint. Each leg ended in what looked like three thin hooked claws holding it onto the ceiling. It's mouth was large and went to his sternum.
He didn't seem to notice us so I motioned for everyone to stay quiet. As we moved along. I kept my eye to the ceiling as I could see a swarm of them littering the walls and ceiling, all seemingly asleep or faced away, eating. We continued on until we reached the last one. But before we could get out of there, a survivor ran out of a locker room in front of us.
He looked behind us, shocked with fear.
We turned around to see the Spiders turn and look at us and the survivor before letting out a horrific scream. I looked to the others.

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