Morals Tested...

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I climbed into Tiffany's tent with the rations for the day. I looked around and Tyler wasn't there.
"Where's Ty?" I asked her.
Tiffany pointed to the part of the tent behind a tarp. "He went to bed after I told him. I don't think he understands."
I nodded and sat down next to her, handing her some rations.
"I wish I could've saved him. I tried y'know." I told her.
Tiffany nodded. "I believe you. But please, I don't want to hear anything else about him today..." She laid her head on my shoulder. "It's hard enough raising a boy on my own. But he was always happy when daddy came back... Always..."
I looked to the tarp. The boy was fatherless now. They had made me a godfather when the boy was born. Maybe I could help look after him...
"I can help."
Tiffany looked up at me.
"Uncle Mike is still here. I can help. I will."
Tiffany smiled. "Thank you Michael."
She placed a hand on my thigh. "I don't know what I would do without you..."
I knew where she was going with this. Patterson had just died today and she already wants to move on? I can't. I won't.
"I... don't... know where you're going with that hand but..."
Tiffany retracts and gets off me. "Oh. I just..."
She shakes her head and lays down the other way. I look her body up and down. For having a child during the apocalypse she looked... good... I laid down next to her and she cuddled into me. I felt myself get aroused but I refused the urge. Tiffany grabbed my pants and although I didn't want to, I allowed it.
The next morning I woke up naked beside my dead best friend's wife.
"What have I done..."
I quickly got dressed and left.

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