Operation Yankee (Reprise)

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We landed the helicopter and all got out. Marvin went straight to the edge and fired at a deadie. Just like last time. And just like last time, they all swarmed to it in confusion. Everything was going just as last time and then we reached the crossroads.
Sampson called up Jules.
"Private. Get across swiftly and quietly!"
Jules nodded. I didn't want to watch but I did. And this time, the Private made it to the other side without notice. Then Kent. The Marvin. Then it was my turn.
I took a deep breath and ran. Quiet but swift. I looked to my side and for a second I thought I saw Tiffany standing where Williams stood when he became a monster. Gunshot wound to the head. I shook my head and looked again. She was gone. I made it to the other side and then Sampson came across.
Everything was already going better than last time. We made our way around the city until we were a block away from the Stadium. Then a swarm started moving through. We decided to go inside a building and rest until they passed. The sun was going down so Sampson called it a night.
I was first watch. Marvin went to bed first. Then Sampson. Then it was just me, Kent, and Jules. We sat around a heater but kept the lights off.
"So amigo," Kent started, "What was your friend like?" I looked to him. He looked to me with actual worry.
I looked to Jules who looked to Kent with disappointment.
She turned to me. "Ignore him. He's just very rude."
Kent stood up. "Jules, I get that you think you're all big and bad because your father is a lieutenant but... You're still the lowest rank!"
Jules stood up, annoyed, "What's that supposed to mean?"
Kent laughed. "I think you know chico. You're only here because of your padre!"
Jules started rolling up her sleeves, "Oh just wait until I shove that two millimeter burrito down there right up your-"
I stepped between them. "How about we call it a night. Eh?"
Jules nodded and walked to her spot.
Kent watched her leave and when she was out of hearing range, he said, "I don't actually hate her y'know. I just like to tease. And I wasn't trying to be rude when I asked about your friend." Our eyes met. He had sympathy in his. I shook my head and sat back down. "No it's alright. I understand." Though it pained me to think about. Kent nodded. "I'll take this shift amigo, go get some rest." I looked at him. Then went to my sleeping area. The night slowly faded away into blackness.

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