6||Meet Me at Rowdy's

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Today was, yet again, another glorious overcast day. Feli woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He shut it off, and got up.

He had a stare down with the box, which was still on the floor. As of right now, Feliciano didn't understand anything about what was going on around him. (Basically, he's acting like an emotional 13-year old) Sick of the world, he kicked the box, hurting his foot. He winced.

~Meanwhile I screamed and cried bc Blindspot~

Feli walked the packed streets. 'I guess everyone's getting their Christmas shopping done' he thought.

Nearby was Ludwig, waving his arms to get Feli's attention. He ran over to him, his cheeks growing a bright shade of red.

"Hey Lud" he played around with his fingers, not giving him eye contact. "Hey Feli," Lud smiled.

"Hey, are you ok? You look hungry," Ludwig cocked his head. "Yeah, but hold up," Feliciano said and stole a cup of coffee from a distracted business man and a doughnut from a woman who was carrying a box of them. He took a bite out of the doughnut and a sip of coffee.

"How did you-" "When you've been stealing for 20 years, it just comes to you," Feli smirked. "The good thing is that you don't need to steal today," Lud smiled. "Why?" He asked. "Its a surprise, now follow me, and keep your eyes shut!" Lud said and covered Feli's eyes with his hands. As they left, Feliciano stole some clockwork.


Ludwig uncovered his eyes. It was a bar/restaurant called "Rowdy's" (no inspiration). "This is the place?" Feli raised an eyebrow.

"Don't worry, this is a safe place," Lud said. Right after he said that, a chair flew out of the window, breaking it. "Most of the time."

Feli crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "Just don't pick any fights. I don't want you to get hurt," Lud sighed. "Don't worry. I'll be fine" he put his hand on Lud's shoulder.

He opened the door. Feli was right behind him. Inside was, well, rowdy! Men drank beer and sang anthems of city-states off key. Some beat each other up, others threw furniture everywhere.

Feli had a surprised look on his face. Ludwig laughed at his reaction. "Intimidating, huh?" "Yeah," Feli said in shock.

Everyone turned around. They had synchronized blinks. "Luddy!" They all yelled and ran to him, hugging him and messing up his hair. Feli smiled and crossed his arms.

"I didn't know you had friends." All the men turned and looked at Feliciano. Yet again, they had synchronized blinks. "He's got a boyfriend!" They all cheered.

Ludwig and Feliciano blushed heavily. "What? No! He's my friend!" They both yelled at the same time. "Uhuh. Friends with benefits," a man said. All of them laughed. "Oh, yeah. Good 'ol Luddy here has been crushing on you for the longest," another man said, putting his arm on Lud and holding his beer with another.

"B-but we just met" Feli looked at him, confused. "Oh, didn't he tell you that he used to spy on you?" another man said and the rest laughed. "YOU SPIED ON ME?!" "I was going through a phase!" Ludwig insisted. All of the men laughed. Suddenly, the laughter and fun times died down.

A very muscular man walked in. Tattoos covered his arms. He had one of those perfect mustaches. The man had no shirt, only suspenders, shorts, and shoes.

Feliciano vividly remembered the man, for he was linked to one of his dark memories. His hand turned into a fist and he clenched his teeth. "Feli, are you ok?" Lud asked. "Ludwig. Go. Now" he clenched his teeth some more.

The man raised his fists in the air. "It has been 20 years ever since," he smirked. "You have a lot of damn courage to show yourself here, Vargas." Feli put his fists up in the air. "I've been waiting too long for this," he punched the man.

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