14||Ludwig's Guide To Messing Everything Up

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The next day, Feliciano woke up on Ludwig's bed, wearing the clothes from last night (Except for the Luddy Balls). The Lud-chan, in fact, was below him, still asleep.

"For the record, that beer tastes like trash," Feli groaned. "Mm, 50% off of cheap crap," Lud muttered in his sleep. He raised an eyebrow. Feliciano sat next to Ludwig and whispered in his ear "Wursts are edible ds".

"Wursts are edible ds," Lud muttered. Feli snickered. "Lud is the wurst," he whispered and snickered. "Lud is the wurs- wait what?" He woke up. "You're no fun," Feli groaned, then looked at his pjs.

It was a baby blue color with rocket ships on it. "You look ridiculous," he laughed. "Give me a break I was drunk," Ludwig snapped at him. "Whatever," Feliciano picked up a small teddy bear.

It was made out of brown material. The toy itself look old and busted. It had one black button eye and its lips were pursed. On the tag in child's handwriting was the name "Saturn".

"You named your teddy bear Saturn?" Feli raised an eyebrow and held the toy by its arm. "Give that back!" Lud tried to snatch it from him, but failed.

"No way, I'm keeping it," Feli raised it in the air. He tried to reach it, but failed yet again. "C'mon Feli, give it back" Ludwig tried to reason with him. "Or what?" Feliciano smirked.

Lud thought for awhile, then smirked. Feli had a petrified look on his face. "Uh, what are you planning exactly?" Then, out of nowhere, Ludwig kissed him on the cheek.

Feliciano blushed heavily, eyes wide. "Now would you give it to me?" "Would I get a kiss if I don't?" Feli smiled. Lud rolled his eyes and snatched it from him.

"And then you French kissed, right?" A man asked them.

"What the hell? No?" Feli and Lud yelled at the same time. All the men laughed. The two were at Rowdy's, retelling their morning.

"Shame. As long as you two kissed," Herestein took a sip off beer. Ludwig rolled his eyes. "You guys are assholes," he said. The men turned to Ludwig and said "You're welcome!"

Herestein and two other men strutted to Feliciano. "Did you like that kiss?" A man asked him. "Well, yeah. It felt, uh, nice," he blushed.

"Do you love him?" The three men chimed in, kicking their legs like teenage girls, awaiting for one to tell their secret. 'OHMYGODWAITLOVEINEVERTHOUGHTOFLOVINGHIMBEFORE', Feli thought. "Uh, yes?"

The three smiled and strutted over to Ludwig. "Do you love him?" "I, um, I, yes," The Lud-chan finally said. All the men cheered and decorated Rowdy's as if it was a church celebrating a marriage. The men gave Feli a white veil and Lud a bowtie. One man dressed up as a priest told Lud "Be careful, men have died wearing that bowtie." Not wanting to be a ghost magnet, he quickly took it off.

Herestein pulled Feliciano over to Ludwig to make them kiss. However, they resisted to do so. All the men yelled "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Enfuriated by what was going on, he seperated from Lud.

"No! I can't do this! First you want to leave me, then you love me?!" "Feli, I-" Lud tried to tell him, but he was quickly cut short. "No! Make up your damn mind already!" Feli threw the veil to the ground. "I thought we were friends, you just want me gone," he left Rowdy's. There was silence for awhile, until Herestein threw a beer can at Lud and said, "Bad Luddy".

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