11|Stealing For A Cause

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Feli pushed through the crowd. Some people yelled at him to watch it, but he kept on running. Nearby was a booth selling small mechanisms. 'Perfect', he thought.

The booth's owner wasn't present. He walked up to the booth and stole as much mechanisms he needed. After he got what he was looking for, he fled the scene.

"Hopefully these are the right pieces," Feliciano told himself, then slammed into Ludwig. "Ow, crap!" "What the-?! Feli! Did you steal?" Lud questioned him.

"Uh...um. Funny story-" "Feliciano-" He turned around. The cops were gaining on the two. "C'mon Lud, follow me," Feli siad, grabbing Lud's hand, and started running.

"Oh, hell. Why are the cops chasing you now?" Ludwig asked him. "I-uh, stole some mechanisms," Feliciano stuttered. "Why?" "I'll tell you later, just run!" he yelled.

The two ran through a narrow alley, where they lost the cops. "Damn!" One of the cops said. Feli laughed.

"That's right! You can go kiss my ass!" he smiled. On the wall there was a pink poster. It talked about a ball, also unveiling a piece of art with gears in it.

"Whats wrong?" Lud asked, tilting his head. He handed him the poster, smirking. "Wear your finest, Lud. We're crashing a ball" Feliciano smirked.

~~~~~~Meanwhile (X-Files theme playing in the distance)~~~~~~~~

Ludwig waited outside Feliciano and Lovino's apartment. He wore a burgundy tuxedo and a peach tie. He checked the time, which read 5:37.

Feliciano walked down the stairs and met him. He wore a pink dress. Lud opened his mouth to say something, but Feli cut in. "Don't even think about it."

"Ok" he said. The two walked to Erovione Hall, where the hall is hosted. "Remember, I'm Fiona Hall, you're, uh, James Hall," Feli told him.

"James? Really?" "Shut up and follow my lead," he told him. Both entered the hall . They were somewhat greeted by the receptionist.

"Are you registered?" He pursed his lips. "Yes, I'm Fiona Hall. This is my husband, James," Feliciano told him. Ludwig stood silent. He stepped on Lud's foot with his stiletto. Lud winced.

"Yup! Thats me! James Hall," Lud stepped on Feli's foot. Both continuously stepped on each other's feet. The receptionist stared. "Are you finished?"

"Yes, we are. Shall we, James?" "Yes, we shall," Lud stepped on Feli's foot once more, smirking. He rolled his eyes, smiling and entered the dance floor. "Imbeciles," the receptionist muttered.

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