Question 2 - B

597 25 11

Brendon: if you were stranded on an island and could only bring one thing what would it be?

Ryan: easy a boat

Brendon: that doesn't count

Ryan: why not? All I need is a boat

Brendon: cause that's not being creative

Ryan: it isn't about creativity it's about survival

Brendon: you're lame

Ryan: fine a paddle and a door

Brendon: that still doesn't count

Ryan: ugh

Ryan: um I don't know some other person

Brendon: why would you bring another person?

Ryan: someone to talk to so I won't get lonely and maybe they'll help me survive

Brendon: who would you bring?

Ryan: that's a hard one

Ryan: the people I'm closest to are Frank, Spence and Joe but I still wouldn't bring them

Brendon: they would seem like good people to be stuck with

Ryan: you'd think but Frank can be aggressive sometimes, Joe would probably just not give a fuck about being stuck and lounge and I would get sick of seeing Spencer's face after a while

Brendon: alright so who would you bring?

Ryan: idk you?

Brendon: me? We've only been talking for a couple days

Ryan: yeah I still don't know you so there's a lot we could talk about to get to know each other and I heard how big of a nerd you are we could survive no problem

Brendon: I see I'm just your best chance for survival and to maintain sanity

Ryan: Yeah!

Brendon: wow I'm flattered

Ryan: you're welcome

Brendon: sarcasm Ross look it up

Ryan: you're a rat -.-

Brendon: a rat that you would want to be stuck on an island with

Ryan: hypothetically

Brendon: either way you picked me 😝

Ryan: shut up Urie

Ryan: my turn

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