Question 2 - R

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Ryan: cook or bake?

Brendon: I can't bake for shit

Ryan: lmao so cooking then

Brendon: only by default because my cooking skills are only slightly better than baking skills which are nonexistent

Ryan: it can't be that bad

Brendon: I burn cookies

Ryan: we've all burned cookies at some point

Ryan: I did last month while I was drunk

Brendon: no like every single time even when I'm supervised

Ryan: how do you manage that

Brendon: the oven hates me

Ryan: but that's only cookies there are other things you can bake

Brendon: I once successfully burned the outside, perfectly baked the middle and underbaked the center of brownies

Ryan: WTF!!

Ryan: How?

Ryan: like how is that even scientifically possible

Brendon: I'm not the best at cooking but if you don't wanna get food poisoning or something don't let me bake for you

Ryan: I'm still in shock

Ryan: how can someone mess up brownies??

Brendon: it happens!

Ryan: I could make brownies ever since I was eight

Brendon: congratulations what do you want a cookie or something

Ryan: not if you're making it 😂😂

Brendon: you're an asshole

Ryan: at least I don't set the oven on fire

Brendon: that only happened once and it wasn't entirely my fault!

Ryan: remind me to never let you near a box of cake mix

Brendon: okay okay moving on it's my turn

Ryan: woah there partner slow down

Brendon: what? Why?

Ryan: we can't ask all 21 questions in one night

Brendon: I thought that was the point?

Ryan: nah I wanna take my time to get to know you

Ryan: you probably wouldn't text me in the morning if we finished the game tonight

Brendon: so what then?

Ryan: we can just talk and continue the game tomorrow

Brendon: fine we'll continue tomorrow but I'm going to sleep now then we got school in the morning

Ryan: it's only 11 you grandpa

Delivered 11:04pm

Ryan: you aren't really falling asleep now are you?

Delivered 11:09pm

Ryan: you can't just leave me here unsupervised!

Delivered 11:17pm

Ryan: goodnight I guess but if you hear on the news that I'm dead then let it be on your conscience that you could've talked me out of going downstairs in the dark where the boogie man can get me or walking down some dark alleyway

Delivered 11:20pm

Ryan: sweet dreams

Delivered 11:22pm



If for whatever reason you thought this story was decent enough to make it this far thanks!

Also this chapter is based on my baking skills. This actually happens to me. Someone please tell me I'm not the only one this bad at baking!

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