Question 10 - R

444 25 9

Ryan: what is your favorite underrated band?

Brendon: I dont know if you'd call them underrated but they get a lot of shit

Ryan: what band

Brendon: Nickelback

Ryan: you like them?

Brendon: their music is good

Ryan: I agree lol I don't know why they get so much hate

Brendon: me neither! A lot of their songs are bangers

Brendon: Savin me, Burn it to the ground, If today was your last day, how you remind me

Ryan: Hero was on the Spiderman soundtrack

Brendon: that's good too!

Ryan: what's your favorite song by them?

Brendon: you can't laugh

Ryan: I won't

Brendon: you better not

Ryan: just tell me already

Brendon: fine it's Far Away

Ryan: really?

Brendon: yeah..

Ryan: that song's sad dude

Brendon: it is not! It's romantic

Ryan: is that why you like it?

Brendon: I like it because it's a great song

Brendon: I love it cause its romantic..

Brendon: they sing about being in love and it's a nice thought to have someone want you that much

Ryan: awe how cute Brenny's got a squishy side

Brendon: fuck off the point is that I like Nickelback and I will fight anyone who disagrees

Ryan: you limp noodle you couldn't hurt a fly

Brendon: I never said I'd win just that I'd fight them

Ryan: you'd let yourself get hurt?

Brendon: to prove a point yes

Ryan: you got moxy kid

Brendon: who the hell says moxy anymore 😂

Ryan: me don't judge

Brendon: oh I'm judging

Ryan: rude

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