Chapter 2

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The second I walked into the front of the door of the school all the girls came over to surround me.

I guess they didn't see my tweet about today being my last day here. Thank god. Or else there would be like every single girl over here

A couple of girls asked me for my phone number, the usual. Honestly it's so annoying so I normally just ignore them and walk away.

Hopefully at my new school no one would be as bad as the people here.

"Hey Julia" i say while kissing her cheek

"hey Hayes...." Julia said strangely

"Hey Hayes" said Rose. She was my ex girlfriend but its okay shes normal now.

"this is my last day here guys, Julia, I'm going to miss you so much"

"why do you haveeee to move?"

"because Nila got a job in Florida"

For some reason Julia seemed different today but I don't want to say anything considering today was my last day here.

"Hayes can I talk to you... in private" Julia asked

"uhh yeah sure?"

Julia and I went outside so no fangirls would follow us. And plus I didn't want my friends here while I was talking to Julia, they don't seem to like her.

"Listen Hayes... I don't think this is working out. I mean you're going to be all the way in Florida and im not a fan of long distance relationships"

"Wait, you're breaking up with me?"

"I'm sorry Hayes I just ca-"

"Have you been wanting to do this for a while?"

"This isn't a good time for this. I have to go now. Sorry... Bye"

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