Chapter 7

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Hayes POV

"What's for dinner mom?"

"Beef stew"


"Sorry hun just sit down and try to eat it, we don't have any other food right now... Literally"

I sat next to Skylynn at the dinner table

"Hey skylynn do you remember what that text from jack said?"

"He said something about telling you something" said Sky

"Okay" I said confused

My mom brought out the dinner.

"Woah mom, this actually tastes good this time..."

"Oh gee thanks Hayes" she said jokingly

"So cam do you like the new house?" I asked cam

"Ehh it's kind of small" he said jokingly

We all laughed because the house was actually really big.

Dinner was over and everyone pretty much went to their rooms to unpack everything. Since I finished unpacking earlier I decided to respond to jack.

From Jack: Heh Hayes I have something really important to tell you.

Jeez I don't want to be caught up in drama so I headed to Nash's room for help on what to say to Jack.

I walked in and nash was on the phone so I just went to cams room.

"Hey cam you wanna help me with something?"

"If it's homework than no."

"Cam how would I have homework I haven't even gone to school." Be both started cracking up

"So anyways cam, my friend Jack told me he has to tell me something important and he's my best friend and all but I really just want to start fresh here and stuff so what should I say?"

"Well I would just say "yeah, what's up?" to him to make it seems like you don't want drama but you still care."

"Okay thanks cam"

I walked back and my room and respond to Jack.

From Hayes: yeah, what's up?

I did just as cam said

From Jack: so I've had something to tell you but I don't know how you're going to react.

From Hayes: oh okay you can still tell me, I'll be okay.

From Jack: okay this may come off weird but I'm gay

Okay well I definitely don't know what to say now. Why didn't he tell me earlier? I didn't respond. I wanted to wait so I wouldn't say the wrong thing to him.

I went downstairs to help my mom out with unpacking things

"Hey mom do you remember Jack?"

"Yeah oh course, why?"

"He just told me he was gay"

"Oh Hun did you reply with something mean..."

"No I didn't answer. I don't know what to say."

"Just wait so you don't hurt his feelings."

I continued to help her for an hour until I was interrupted by a text from Jack.

From Jack: Hayes I know you're surprised but I didn't want to tell you earlier because I thought you would be scared of me and didn't want to be friends.

I decided that I should text back. Not responding is only hurting his feelings more.

From Hayes: hey Jack! I'm not mad at all! I'm just really busy down here unpacking everything! I understand why you didn't tell me earlier and stuff.

From Jack: yeah. But I left out one thing. I like you.

Okay no offense but this got a little weird now. My best friend now likes me. I didn't want to answer but I know it would be the right thing to do.

From Hayes: haha well I have to go now sorry bro! I'll talk to you tomorrow! Bye!

From Jack: oh um okay... Bye

Well that was awkward.

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