Chapter 11

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Rose's POV

Here in North Carolina a few things have changed since Hayes moved to Florida.

Jack told me that he was gay and he was interested in Hayes. That didn't really surprise me much because he acted different in front of Hayes most of the time.

Julia and Chris are madly in love and always make out in the hall ways.

I myself even changed.

I wasn't sure what it was though. I started thinking back to when Hayes kissed me. It was perfect. Omg what am I saying?! There is no way I like Hayes.

But I do like Hayes.

Hayes and I don't like keeping secrets and I wanted our friendship to last a while and since we won't see each other everyday we might as well have a strong long distance friendship.

I wanted to tell Hayes but I don't know how I would.

I decided to Skype him so it seemed like it was kind of in person but not really.

I called him twice. No answer.

I wonder what he was doing? He hadn't moved on already right? Could he of met another girl? Did he forget about me?

I texted him to see why he didn't answer.

"Hey Hayes"

I sent that knowing he would respond right away.

He didn't.

Maybe he was busy, he didn't read it yet so I understand.

I gave up and straight up told him how I felt.

"Hayes, I really like you. I can't get our kiss out of my head. I know you said it was just jealously from Julia but I felt more. I love you. I have loved you since the day we started dating, and I never stopped. I loved sleeping over your house all the time. I loved being your best friend. I love YOU. I miss you. I needed you. And I need you. I want you to be with me right now. I want to kiss you. I want to see you. I want you.

I sent this to Hayes. I was really nervous. I didn't know how he would respond.

"Rose time for dinner!" My mom shouted from downstairs.

I left my phone upstairs, went down stairs and enjoyed my dinner.

"Rose are you alright? You're awfully silent?" Asked my mom worried.

"Yeah mom, I'm fine. I just have a lot of homework to do."

"Oh okay" said my mom.

I stayed pretty much quiet for the rest of dinner, thanked my mom for making it, and ran back upstairs to see if Hayes replied.

"Of course he read it and didn't reply. I felt so embarrassed..."

Hayes' POV

I read it in my head countless times. I didn't know what to say.

Rose texted me saying this:
"Hayes, I really like you. I can't get our kiss out of my head. I know you said it was just jealously from Julia but I felt more. I love you. I have loved you since the day we started dating, and I never stopped. I loved sleeping over your house all the time. I loved being your best friend. I love YOU. I miss you. I needed you. And I need you. I want you to be with me right now. I want to kiss you. I want to see you. I want you.

I needed to answer.

"Nash" I said

We were still driving home.

"Yeah Hayes?"

"Do you remember how I dated that girl named Rose?" I asked Nash

"Yeah..? Why?"

"Well she just texted me saying how much she still loves me"

"What! Hayes what are you going to say! I mean you were just hanging out with Kelly! Do you still like Rose!?"

"I don't know" I said to nash.

"Well then good luck with that... This is why I don't date, Hayes hahaha"

We arrived at our house and our mom still wasn't home. Skylynn was sleeping in the back so I carried her to her room and put her in bed. I kissed her forehead good night and said I love you and walked into my room.

I had pretty much all my furniture in my room now. I turned on my laptop to make a YouTube video about Florida when I was interrupted by Skype. I clicked on skype and I had 2 missed calls and 43 messages!

I clicked on the messages and saw that it was Rose. She sent "Hayes" about 43 times! And I know why.

I showered and go into my pajamas and made sure I looked somewhat decent. I clicked the video chat button and called Rose.

She actually answered!

"Oh hey Hayes" she said looking down.

"Rose I don't know what to say... I'm just... Just really surprised."

"Yeah... Turns out I really like you?" She said awkwardly and blushed.

"Rose what would you say if... I liked you too."

She sprang up from her bed and shouted "I would be the happiest person alive!!!"

"Then I guess it's your lucky day babe" I said smirking to the camera.

"I love you Hayes" she said smiling brightly.

I don't think I "loved" rose but I did like her so I said how's North Carolina just to change the subject.

"It's pretty good, did Jack tell you?"

"Ohhh yeah he did."

Oh shoot, I didn't respond to Jack. He must hate me now.

"I wasn't all that surprised really."

"Really? I was..."

"Yeah so what were you doing today cutie" she winked at me through the camera.

"Hahaha well I met up with my friend Kelly from the airport" I said while laughing. I didn't want to lie because I never lie to Rose, she's my best friend.

"Kelly?" She said looking a little furious.

"Don't worry babe, I don't like her."

And that was my first lie to Rose.

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