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𝐓𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐌𝐀𝐘 𝟔𝐓𝐇, 𝟖𝟒𝟕 𝐀𝐓 𝟏𝟑:𝟒𝟏


  "Think about it, Erwin," the section commander said, hands slamming onto the desk where a map laid flat upon its wooden surface -the commander's eyes were scanning over it thoroughly, paying the one speaking no mind. With a voice full of firmness, the brunette told Erwin Smith to listen, not just brush off the words leaving the soldier as if they were nothing, "I understand that setting up supply bases takes priority, but uncovering the true nature of the titans has always been our primary objective! I'm sure you're aware of that!"

  Moblit Berner -the girl's personal assistant- heard the tone in Hanji Zoë's voice, slightly and hesitantly reaching out his hand from his place behind her as he gave a polite warning, "Section commander... It's probably not a good idea to talk to the commander in tha-"

  "Shut the hell up!" she suddenly shouted in an interruption, promptly turning her head to the side and sending a heated glare towards the brown-haired man who was always there for her; spheres of sepia were then set ablaze with a passionate, glaring determination that could make anyone falter, redirecting her focus and continuing to address Erwin not long after, "We need to capture one alive above anything else! Look, I... I know that it seems impossible." she admitted smally, "The last time we took one alive was more than fifteen years ago, and more than twenty people died in order to pull it off -but we cannot get any intel if we are afraid of making sacrifices!" Holding her breath, Hanji waited a few seconds for his response as she took in his features; she was trying to find any telltale signs that this time would be the one she would finally get through to him.

  She truly couldn't emphasise it to him enough; humanity needed to test on them.

  The cerulean-eyed male turned his head away from the map and looked at the soldier to his right, "Pay extra attention to our offence and defence; we don't want a repeat of last time." The soldier nodded her head -letting out an, "Understood, Commander Erwin."- before running out of the tent she was in to pass on the news to her fellow comrades and carry out the task for herself.

  Once she left, Erwin casted an annoyed glance at the messy head of hair in front of him, "Do we have to go through this again?"

  For a moment the words hung in the air, the adult he was talking to not relenting while her glare only intensified, determined to stand her ground against the higher-ranking man as she pressed for an answer. The commander only sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose -then tried to explain again, for seemingly the millionth time, why they couldn't make a capture mission like she so desperately wanted, "We don't have enough manpower to spare for a capture; the Survey Corps has limited men as it already is. Even getting this far today cost us more than ten men."

  "I know that, but-"

  "Hanji," he deadpanned annoyedly, giving her a look as he cut her off, "Your proposal is rejected." The taller blonde didn't spare her a second look as he then made his way out of the tent, another soldier that had been on his side following close behind him.

  "Hey!" Hanji shouted, trying to get the commander to turn around and change his mind while she followed him, Moblit not far behind, "Wait, Erwin!"

  You could finally see who was arguing for the capture of a titan as she left the fabric cover of the tent, having been eavesdropping for almost the entire conversation from the outside. Most people don't even want to think about titans, the way the gigantic, humanoid beasts pulverised people into barely recognisable corpses too much for the average individual. But not Hanji; she was always trying to convince Commander Erwin -beg even- to let her get a titan to experiment on. It was safe to say that, for the most part, no one agreed it was worth the efforts of the lives that would be lost to do so -especially when the number of soldiers in the Survey Corps was already very limited.

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