『21』The Battle for Trost

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Wednesday, May 9th, 850 at 12:37


"She'll come around." Moblit comforted as he put a friendly hand on your shoulder, knowing that the section commander -who was currently acting passive aggressive- would see the reasoning behind the both of your decisions. "I know..." you started, "I've seen her like this before, but I've never been on the receiving end of it."

You couldn't bring yourself to leave the overview of the pit just yet, and you couldn't help but feel some sort of bitterness on the back of your tongue, 'I know I shouldn't feel bad for them, I mean, they're titans! ...They were titans. Still though, they're in a better place now, they can't hurt us and I'm sure Chica and Albert are happier too.' No one was in the pit, and nothing else was aside from some dirt, stacked boulders, unstacked boulders and remains from the dummies and wolves that you never had the chance to clean up, 'We'll have to do that soon, I can't imagine that we'll be staying here much longer now that there is no purpose in it.'

"Captain (Y/N), I just want to say thank you. I know you sided with me based on your own beliefs, but still. It just didn't feel right leaving a titan, possibly two, with chances to escape with that much power." Moblit said as he took a step back, also looking into the pit and tracing his eyes along the lines pressed into the dirt by either Chicacchironi or Albert. You looked up at the male and gave him a weak smile, the best you could manage while feeling guilt with how Hanji reacted and the deaths of the two titans, "Don't worry about it Moblit, even if it isn't why I sided with you you're still a good friend." He gave you a smile and nodded his head, soon followed by a brief silence that was then in turn followed by his voice, "I'm going to go check up on the section commander and see if she's cooled off a little."

"Of course, have fun Moblit."

"You too, (Y/N)."

You couldn't help but have a more genuine smile this time as the male called you by your first name, without a doubt an attempt in cheering you up. Hearing his boots slowly fade off as he made his way to where Hanji was, you turned your head up to the sky. You observed the outlines of the branches, each one leading until they got smaller and thinner, until eventually they faded into green, vibrant and budding leaves, every once in a while shaking the tiniest bit under the weight of a scurrying animal or perhaps a gentle breeze that was missed on you. Looking up at them caused a sense of security -that no matter what happens, everything will be ok- and you took in a breath, closing your eyes and only sensing everything around you, 'I'll have to do this more often, it's actually quite relaxing.'

You weren't given the chance to bask in the peacefulness nature was -for once- giving you though, as you heard a faint yell in the background, "SECTION COMMANDER!"

Snapping your eyes open, the yell startled you and caused you to jump. You couldn't help but turn your attention to whatever announcement this soldier had to give, jogging over to them as they waited for Hanji with a slightly panicked look and a slight shift of their legs. Hanji darted out of your shared tent -eyes searching all over until they landed on you and rested for the smallest of moments- before finally landing on the soldier who -you just now noticed- was holding some kind of parchment, presumably with a letter on it. The soldier rushed over to Hanji and quickly bowed, holding the paper out with both arms for the woman to take. She didn't waste any time in taking the parchment out of her hands, muttering a quick, "Thank you." as her eyes skimmed over the written words, never faltering as you finally reached the soldier, Hanji and Moblit. You watched as the girl's brown hues widened in surprise, quickly furrowing her brows as she bit the bottom of her lip in thought, "Tell me, do you have any other letters to deliver?"

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