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Tuesday, May 7th, 850 at 14:23


"Do you think that they're even going to try and move the boulders at this point?" you asked with a slightly pessimistic mindset, although the more positive side of you said that you just needed to wait a little longer. Hanji gave you a pointed look from her seat next to you, legs dangling into the pit as she sat at the edge, "We have to give them time, (Y/N)! Genius doesn't strike quickly y'know."

"Yeah, yeah. I guess I'm just excited." you reasoned, figuring that your impatience was caused by the fact that you really wanted a breakthrough. Opening your mouth to make more idle conversation about why you would want Chicacchironi or Albert to try and climb out -in your mind you hoped that both of them would- you froze when you saw Hanji go into a standstill, staring out ahead of her in what seemed to you like shock. "Hanji? Are you ok?" you asked as you reached out an almost apprehensive hand towards her. Before you could do or say anything else however, the woman suddenly managed to shoot up, barreling towards you and shaking your shoulders as she pointed one hand towards the pit, wordlessly mouthing many words that begged to be voiced aloud. While you couldn't make out many of her words -not only because it was Hanji, just also because of the erratic movements she was making- you were able to decipher the words 'look' and 'pit' relatively easily from her garbled, hushed mess of phonemes.

When you finally looked over, you saw one of the most splendid things you had seen in a long time. There, in the pit a good ways away from you yet as clear as day, was Chicacchironi hitting up against a rock and ramming into it. Was it able to move it? Not at all apart from a few tremors that shifted it a little. Was it trying to climb it to get out of the pit? No, Chicacchironi wasn't even trying to jump on top of it or anything. But was the titan exhibiting strange behaviour, a kind that seemed to show signs of learning? 'It really seems so! It's either that he has learned, or he is just coincidentally interacting with this rock despite the fact that he has shown no previous interest in it or any others beforehand.'

Once you had seen what had gotten her so excited, you yourself soon matched with her ecstatic smile and jumped to your feet, shouting in a whisper yell, "This is great!"

Hanji didn't respond to you, but rather turned her head back towards the pit with a ginormous grin, looking back at the small titan with an almost proud gaze. To you it seemed like she was almost holding herself back -which made you smile to yourself, after all, what was cuter than an excited, happy Hanji?- but as much as you would have loved to gush over the sight more with her, you still needed to go get Moblit for such an event, 'It's simply too monumentous for him not to see. Honestly, everyone should be called over, but I don't think that many chances for a distraction would be a good thing.'

Without planning on pulling her out of her thoughts, you took one last glance at the section commander before turning on your heel and to your ultimate surprise, bumping into Moblit, "Ga-" you half shouted, plastering your hands on your mouth as if that would muffle the noise that had already been made. Moblit's hands quickly reached out to your shoulders when it looked like you were about to fall over, and in a swift moment you completely let go of your surprise and broke out into smiles again, this time quieter, "Moblit, look! Chica's moving stuff around!" This time he was the one taken off guard as he raised a brow at your words, and when you moved to head back over to the pit, you had to try your best not to let the eyes of Hanji, desperate to not let her know that you noticed her looking your way. Before you could even get to the pit all the way however, Hanji stopped the both of you and spoke up to Moblit, 'Ooh, she wasn't looking at me, she was looking at Moblit. Well, at least that makes sense I suppose...'

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