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𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐋 𝟐𝟏𝐒𝐓, 𝟖𝟓𝟎 𝐀𝐓 𝟏𝟔:𝟐𝟕


  You sleepily blinked your eyes, squinting them a few times until they could focus on whatever was before you -and zoning your eyes in front of you allowed you to observe the streaks of sunlight that made their way in from the window behind you, the bright strings of illumination telling you that you had greatly slept in. Letting yourself sink back into your mattress as you rolled on your back with a sigh, you enjoyed the comforting embrace it supplied as you gave your body a chance to wake up, 'It's either early morning or late afternoon...' you peeked your eye open a crack and glared at the window, 'And given the fact that I went to sleep late and I'm not that tired, it's probably late afternoon.'

  After a few moments had passed of you just laying in bed, you let out a groan and sat up in your bed with the covers still laid across your body, 'Well, on the bright side at least I'm not tired anymore.' Your legs dangled over the edge of the bed as you turned towards the adjacent wall, placing your feet on the ground and standing up -it was only then that it came to you that you were still in your uniform from yesterday, and a quick look at all the dirt that was sporadically staining your outfit was enough for you to decide a quick shower was in order.

  Grabbing a fresh and clean uniform and towel, that was exactly what you did.


  You smoothed the fabric of your shirt a little, going over the bumps of the belts of your 3DMG harness as you did so, 'I suppose it's better to have the harness ready, should something happen and I'm needed on the field. Not only that, but I'm so used to the harness being on at this point that it just feels weird to walk around in my uniform without it.'

  You stepped out of your bathroom and glanced at your closed bedroom door for a second, going over a mental checklist of what you would need in your head, before mentally facepalming, 'I need my jacket, duh.' A quick glance over to your desk chair confirmed that you had taken it off while doing paperwork last night -after a while the material felt rather confining, and despite the coolness of the room, you decided that shivering every once in a while would only benefit you by keeping you up. It wasn't much longer later that you found yourself making your way over to it and slipping the tan article of clothing up your arms so it could rest on your shoulders.

  The paperwork you had completed was still stacked nice and neatly on your desk where you left it; it crossed your mind to bring it to Erwin, but with a quick gander outside at the sun who was going to start to set soon, you came to the conclusion that it was probably dinner time, meaning that Erwin and most of the other soldiers would probably be in the Mess Hall right now. The sound of your stomach rumbling suddenly consumed the silence that once rang prominent, you soon finding yourself letting out a small snort at its perfect timing, 'I guess I should head over there too, huh? Last time I ate was about a day ago when Moblit brought me dinner, so I suppose eating now wouldn't be a bad thing.' The dull click of your boots mixed with the slight squeaks of the old floorboards produced a familiar sound as you made your way over to the wooden frame that would lead to the hall, which in turn would lead you to the Mess Hall. Your door shut behind you with a resounding click as Petra's words echoed in your head, your body absentmindedly moving you in the direction you wished to go, '"I've been meaning to ask you, on behalf of the rest of the Special Operations Squad and I, do you think that you'll be able to join us for dinner tomorrow?'"

  'Well... I didn't expect it to be so soon, but I should probably take advantage of this moment while I have the chance. Who knows when the next opportunity will be?'

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